just wondering what everyones opinion is of winstrol and what to expect from it??
just wondering what everyones opinion is of winstrol and what to expect from it??
Cycle experimence, stats, goals?
Winny alone is a waste of money...
Sore joints, in alot of cases!
not much
+1 to sore joints. I was so sore on 25mg a day I got weaker.
sore knees . little definition gains with test
gain a few pounds if you diet properly and harden out makes you look alot more lean and tightens you up,,winni alone is not a wate of money,unless your fat% is high
Yeah, your joints will hurt. Bad.
if you are running test i would rather run eQ than winn
vascularity, slight muslce gain, strength, sore elbows
Winsrol is a remarkable compound.
You can expect a DISPROPORTIONATE increase in strength, and muscles that are literally, as hard as rocks.
Combine with Masteron for even greater HARDNESS, definition, and strength.
One can also expect some lean mass gains.
all winstrol is good for is chucking it in the mix with your protein shake lol
you have base that theory on ??Originally Posted by yom
I hate winny.... i got a couple hundread 50mg tabs from a friend, but i only used like 3 weeks worth. Its not a bad drug, but it doesnt work well for me. Both of the joints in my sholder are messed up now, and ive been off for over a week. im waiting to get some alflutop to cure them. cant wait!
Winny isn't a waste of money at all. Used correctly will promote good hardness in muscles, and vascularity. If your bodyfat is high I would suggest not running winny because you would never see the results from the compound.
Some of the sides that are not too nice are: sore joints, acne, hair loos in males that are predisposed to balding, also the injections are extreamly painful in water based solutions..... at least for me they are. If you can find micronized winni then the injections will be a lot easier and there will be no clogging of the pin.
Do not run winny alone......... it will still shut you down.
Funny - I initally hated winny as well - felt like my body had poison in it the 1st time I used it, but since I had some left over, I used it to finish an 8 week test cycle last winter, and it really worked well to finish the cycle out.
Personally I would only use it for a few weeks to finish up a lean mass cycle. It does too much damage to the joints, your hair, and your HDL to use for much longer than a month. By the way, for my upcoming cycle, I am going to finish up with Tbol, and see how that compares.
winny has ****ed my knnees up. im still recovering just able to squat propely at 100 AI . now have to wear straps under my knees as the cartlidge is ****ed . almost ruined my b.b courier .
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