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Thread: cutting cycle..need some advice

  1. #1

    cutting cycle..need some advice

    hey wutsup evryone .....i jus got done doin a cycle of test E/deca300/and about 100 10mg d weighing 210 at 5' now ready to get cutt...i was thinking of running winstrol/test prop/anavar
    what do u think??? if good how should i run it??? and any tips for a diet and training??? any help would b appriciated...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by dieseld08
    hey wutsup evryone .....i jus got done doin a cycle of test E/deca300/and about 100 10mg d weighing 210 at 5' now ready to get cutt...i was thinking of running winstrol/test prop/anavar
    what do u think??? if good how should i run it??? and any tips for a diet and training??? any help would b appriciated...

    take sometime off if you just got off the cycle, lift and diet correctly do maintain your gains. also have you ran pct?
    diet and cardio will get you cut alone,

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    haha you just finished and now you are ready to cycle again? time on = time off unless you get blood work done.

    I wouldnt use 2 orals in the same cycle. I would go with var > winny though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    ya i really hope you know what your doing and that you are saying you are done with your cycle including pct. there are many compounds used for cutting and adding lean muscle. do some research on which ones work well with each other. i say this because u have 1 post and can learn alot just from using the search option. goodluck.

  6. #6
    thanx for the input...

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