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Thread: **Dianaviron: The ULTIMATE Anabolic Bridge**

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    dude that study is older than my grandma

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Proviron is 0% supressive.

    Dianabol, when used in dosages up to 25mgs, normal plamsa testosterone can be maintained.


  3. #83
    Join Date
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    nark get ross out of here please

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    Testosterone takes MONTHS to fully recover!


    Do a cycle, and JUST come OFF.

    Run your pathetic Clomid or Nolvadex, throw in an AI, and lose ALL of your gains, thinking that just by controlling estrogen you will affect your testosterone production....

    Dianabol was DESIGNED for androgen replacement. Proviron was DESIGNED for androgen therapy in men who had no libido and LOW test levels(Post-cycle).

    Running the Dianaviron IN CONJUNCTION with your HCG and AI is the smarter move--if you are SERIOUS about RESTORING testosterone and MAINTAINING your gains! Testosterone takes MONTHS to fully recover!

    DO NOT forget the difference between PITUITARY inhibtion and testicular inhibition.

    Your run Dianaviron for 10 weeks PAST your PCT, then you simply continue running the PROVIRON BY ITSELF, until your next cycle.

    True, but at that low of a dose you might not even bother. I dont even know if the gains (or simply even maintaining) are even worth the suppression (albeit slight) from the dbol. Sure, Test takes longer to recover from, as with other androgens, but at least you are coming off. You end up running a long ass cycle and thats not great even with pct beforehand, you still only come off for PCT then hop back on, even that little 10mg dose of dbol.

  5. #85
    Join Date
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    EDIT: I got caught up in the moment.
    Last edited by AnabolicAndre; 04-22-2006 at 11:48 PM.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG
    Ross, You have always got a good discussion going...Ive never heard of pituitary suppression does that exist??Anybody with some studies???Ross I like the way you made your post look like it was a commercial..Well thought out, even if proven false...
    The H(P)TA.

    PITUITARY supression is the SEVERST kind, and as long as one has a SUPRESSED PITUITARY, it does not matter what we do--TESTICULAR function can NOT be restored.

    Thus, we must FIRST restore PITUITARY function.


  7. #87
    darn, guess he'll never respond to that..38 must be a new record

  8. #88
    Join Date
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    peace out ross

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    banned muthafvcka

  10. #90
    case closeddd

  11. #91
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    Dianabol: 10-20mgs ED
    Proviron: 50mgs ED

    You know what's funny?

    Ross claims he 'invented' this method... lmao!

    Old school Bodybuilders decades back used a low-dose dbol/var... or dbol/proviron bridge at the end of their cycles.

    This is old school... and outdated

    If y'all want proof: Search Mallet's (a former Vet here) threads.. He uses 10mg dbol IN his PCT.

    The method is oldschool.. originating prior to the discovery/use of SERMs/AIs/LH-analogues/FSH-analogues/Specific Peptide Hormones(Slin/IGF) in PCTs.

    It is NOT more effective.. i repeat it is NOT more effective.

    There was a Thread done on I F L.. by a member.. after reviewing the study which keeps popping up. You know the one i mean.. i old one where dbol was shown to reduce serum test.. but not totally suppress it. Yea that study.

    The member did a Dbol bridge followed by bloodwork... Guess what.

    No.. i'll let you guess.

    Don't be fooled.


  12. #92
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    Low dose d-bol as a bridge is nothing new btw so you didnt invent it.

  13. #93
    Yeah people having been doing 10mg dbol as a bridge forever..only seemed logical to add proviron..just doesnt sound ideal at all

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    In theory it does, but why, Unless your a competing pro where bodybuilding is your source of income, why stress your body. the point of cycling is give your body a break, and let it achieve homeostatis before going back on.

  15. #95
    Join Date
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    this guy will never go away

  16. #96
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Was Ross banned for having a different opinion, or something else he has done on this board??? Just curious.....thanks

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Was Ross banned for having a different opinion, or something else he has done on this board??? Just curious.....thanks
    Ross has been banned at least 57 times since I joined three years ago. He is like Herpees, he just keeps comming back. He expounds the virtues of stupid shit like in this thread making out that he is the guru that has come up with all this stuff. The trouble is that a most newbies or relatvly inexperienced people on this board are gullable to whatever they hear people say that sound even halfway plausable even if its down right stupid.

  18. #98
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    He has some interesting ideas. If he wasn't such a tool it would be nice to have him around the board.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    My physique speaks for itself--and so does my HEALTH. (At 5''10, 210lbs, 7%BF)

    Not trying to sound arrogant, but accomplishments speak volumes.

    I invented the Turinabol/Var stack, I invented "Dianavar".

    Anything I share in my articles, I have PERSONALLY done myself.

    And--Dianaviron works!

    So--if you want to keep using OUTDATED PCT regimens with crude SERM's and lose your PRECIOUS muscle--suit yourself.

    For those of us who want to keep every POUND, we have Dianaviron.

    I remember you stating you were 217ish pounds at 7% and also claim you have never lost a single lb when cycling and keep ALL your gains.

    So.....what happened?

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I remember you stating you were 217ish pounds at 7% and also claim you have never lost a single lb when cycling and keep ALL your gains.

    So.....what happened?
    Good question... But yust to be fair, he looks pretty buff in hes avatar.

  21. #101
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    He has some interesting ideas. If he wasn't such a tool it would be nice to have him around the board.
    He does and they're logial too. Its just he leaves, nor accepts, any debate. He thinks he is THE BURGER KING, know what I mean.

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    Proviron is 0% supressive.

    Dianabol, when used in dosages up to 25mgs, normal plamsa testosterone can be maintained.


  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    You run Dianaviron for 10 weeks PAST your PCT, then you simply continue running the PROVIRON BY ITSELF, until your next cycle.

    Ross (yeah i know you're reading this) you know methandrostenolone doesn't produce pure muscle gains even with the use of the A.I right? It produces muscle but also of the gains are read study

    Effects of methandienone on the performance and body composition of men undergoing athletic training.

    1. In a previous study of the effects of methandienone (Dianabol) on men undergoing athletic training, strength and performance increased, but not significantly more when the subjects were taking the drug than when they were taking placebo. The subjects did, however, gain more weight on the drug, with increases in total body potassium and muscle dimensions. It remained an open question whether the muscles had gained normal tissue or intracellular fluid. 2. In an attempt to distinguish between these possibilities the trial has been repeated, using as subjects seven male weight-lifters in regular training, and including measurements of total body nitrogen. As before, a dose of 100 mg of methandienone/day was given alternately with the placebo in a double-blind crossover experiment. The treatment periods lasted 6 weeks and were separated by an interval of 6 weeks. Body weight, potassium and nitrogen, muscle size, and leg performance and strength increased significantly during training on the drug, but not during the placebo period. 3. The finding of increased body nitrogen suggested that the weight gain was not only intracellular fluid. The increases in body potassium (436 +/- SEM 41 mmol) and nitrogen (255 +/- 69 g) were too large in proportion to the weight gain (2.3 +/- 0.4 kg) for this to be attributed to gain of normal muscle or other lean tissue, and imply gain of nitrogen-rich, phosphate-poor substance. Although this action of methandienone might be described as anabolic, the weight gain produced is not normal muscle.

    See why Dianaviron won't work?
    Look at the dose 100mg ED! Your bridge is 10-20 mg ED, do the math.

    Proviron is 'light' on the liver but is not a choice for those with MPB can may fuck up your lipid profile, it's rare but can happen.

    Running dianaviron and proviron up to your next cycle is reckless Ross.

    PCT will help you keep all of your gains once it's timed properly.

  24. #104

  25. #105
    Join Date
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    in the garage
    i want to extend my appreciation to big k.l.g.

    he put alot of work into making sure nobody came away from this thread misinformed.


  26. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by -The Ross-
    My physique speaks for itself--and so does my HEALTH. (At 5''10, 210lbs, 7%BF)

    Not trying to sound arrogant, but accomplishments speak volumes.

    I invented the Turinabol/Var stack, I invented "Dianavar".

    Anything I share in my articles, I have PERSONALLY done myself.

    And--Dianaviron works!

    So--if you want to keep using OUTDATED PCT regimens with crude SERM's and lose your PRECIOUS muscle--suit yourself.

    For those of us who want to keep every POUND, we have Dianaviron.

    hi ross i am interessted in what you are saying so let me make it clear to make sure that i am understanding you correctly!

    so i finished my 12weeks test e cycle last week i have been 1 week without notthing! so i can start 15mgs d balls take 5mg morning 5 mg noon and 5 mg evening and 25mg proverone morning and 25mgs evening! i am going to start my pct next week so i start the dinaviron think that you invented tommorrow and keep on taking it even while i am on clomite pct????? and i can keep on taking it for the next 6 weeks untill i start my full next cycle???? but by this way will i be safe ross????? have you got proff that it is safe because i am willing to try it and am bord of losing muscel between cycles its depressing to lose muscel mate!!!!!! pls answer me exectly because i am willing to try it ross i read all your treads i see that this one is a good thingbut will my nuteral test start again if i do this system pls inform me as soon as possible mate!!!

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    hi ross i am interessted in what you are saying so let me make it clear to make sure that i am understanding you correctly!

    so i finished my 12weeks test e cycle last week i have been 1 week without notthing! so i can start 15mgs d balls take 5mg morning 5 mg noon and 5 mg evening and 25mg proverone morning and 25mgs evening! i am going to start my pct next week so i start the dinaviron think that you invented tommorrow and keep on taking it even while i am on clomite pct????? and i can keep on taking it for the next 6 weeks untill i start my full next cycle???? but by this way will i be safe ross????? have you got proff that it is safe because i am willing to try it and am bord of losing muscel between cycles its depressing to lose muscel mate!!!!!! pls answer me exectly because i am willing to try it ross i read all your treads i see that this one is a good thingbut will my nuteral test start again if i do this system pls inform me as soon as possible mate!!!
    Bro can you read ? If so go back and read what the vets have been saying about all of this. ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA !!!!!!

  28. #108
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Bro can you read ? If so go back and read what the vets have been saying about all of this. ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA !!!!!!
    I was gonna say something about that KALE, but I was hoping this was just some more BAD sarcasm and that arnold was just pickin on least I really , really HOPE he was

  29. #109
    Join Date
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    effin Chuck Norris

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    So you saying maybe take some D-bol to front load a cycle of Test, Deca then add more D-bol along wit my Pct. and It may do what?( reduce my losses?)

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Just out of curiousity, what are you on? Your current cycle?

  32. #112
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by locowhiteguy77
    Just out of curiousity, what are you on? Your current cycle?
    ROSS can't come to the phone right now he has been BANNED AGAIN!!! Please leave a message at the sound of the beeeeep......

  33. #113
    Join Date
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    in the garage
    Quote Originally Posted by locowhiteguy77
    Just out of curiousity, what are you on? Your current cycle?
    he's gone

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    LOL- I was just reading you guys say you ban him, but he always reposts, so I figured he was still around or had made another fake account.

  35. #115
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by locowhiteguy77
    LOL- I was just reading you guys say you ban him, but he always reposts, so I figured he was still around or had made another fake account.

    ROSS, the NEW Phantom of the AR Board....lolol

  36. #116



    PROVIRON increases Testosterone(By inhibiting the Aromatase Enzyme).

    Proviron Increases FREE testosterone by RAPIDLY(more than ANY drug tested) binding to SHBG.

    Proviron simultaneously DECREASES estrogen, by binding to the aromatase enzyme.

    Proviron decreases CORTISOL by binding to the A-R avidly.

    Proviron increases Libido.

    Proviron increases Lyposis(Fat burning) by binding to the A-R.

    Proviron PRESERVES MUSCLE MASS, by binding to the A-R.

    Proviron is 0% supressive.....

    DIANABOL is HIGHLY anabolic in LOW dosages(Advantage*)

    Dianabol DECREASES CORTISOL more than any other drug.

    Dianabol increases protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, calcium retention, and nutrient uptake.

    Dianabol is DOPAMAGERNIC(ANTIDEPRESSIVE) makes you feel good.

    Dianabol in low dosages, is not overly supressive to testosterone production.

    Put the two together and you have; DIANAVIRON!

    AFTER your PCT regimen is complete, and your testosterone production is FULLY recovered, THEN begin the Dianaviron.

    Normally, individuals will opt to "cruise" on low dosages of testosterone, but this is INHIBITORY to the PITUITARY and the TESTICTLES, resulting in endcrine damage in the long run.

    This is why Dianaviron is NECCESSITATED.

    **Discontinue DBOL every 6 weeks, and continue to run the Proviron during this time. After six weeks, you may once again, resume the Dbol. You may continue this protocol until beginning your next full cycle.

    Last edited by --The Ross--; 04-23-2006 at 09:59 PM.

  37. #117
    Join Date
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    Ross is back!! haha

  38. #118
    Join Date
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    Any bets on how many posts before the Phantom gets kicked off again??? I say under 10

  39. #119


    **New Forum Coming Soon!**

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    what does that mean

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