Hi everybody. This is my first post on this site and i know newbies usually ask questions about there upcoming cycle,there PCT and so on and so fourth. But i'm still doing some research myself and do not want to ask you guys for any advice until i'm a little more educated myself. My first cycle of AAS is coming up in about 2 months so i'm sure i'll have some questions before then.
Anyway, on to the reason i'm writing this. I was in the gym two days ago and two of my friends show up. They both have used AAS several times in the past and one of them has a reputation as being extremely educated on the topic. Well one of them is obviously uncomfortable and he keeps rubbing the side of his left ass cheek. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me how our mutual friend gave him a shot a few days ago and he's been in pain ever since. The day before he had to call off work beacuse he couldn't get out of bed it was so bad. In an effort to help him find out what hapened,so he can prevent it in the future i start asking questions. To make a long story short, I find out that instead of using alcohol to prep and clean the injection site they are using windex. When i told them how unbelieveably short bus i thought that was my friend, the one who is supposed to be so smart told me they didn't want to have to worry about always having alcohol on hand and then went in to some explanation as to why this was o.k. I dropped the subject beacuse they weren't going to listem to me anyway. What i want to know is, is this as bad an idea as i think it is?(I think it is a really bad idea!) Or am i the one who is overreacting? i'm a little worried about my friend and thought i would maybe tell him what some of you guys thought in an effort to get him to stop using windex.
I love the site guys and appreciate all the honest advice you give to those with less experience.(after the above incident, i've decided to not ask any friends for there .02) I realize this is a stupid question and would appreciate it if you could humor me on this one and give me some feedback so i could show it to my friends. I promise my questions/comments in the future will not be nearly this ignorant. Sorry this ran so freaking long.