I read the profile about Primo and have obtained Sherring amps at 25 a pop ! I know it was a lot but it was that or nothing. I have about 20 cc's left of some Prop I used about a year ago. The reason I didn't finish is because I wasn't dieting correctly and fainted one day and the misses put the clamp down on me and made me stop because I scared her..
Anyway.. My question is this. I have 10 amps and can obtain more if necessary. From my understanding 1 amp weekly should be enough, (kinda like Deca) for 10-12 weeks. But I also have the Prop. Should I go with the two together. I had some aromitization with the prop last time. (Sore nips and a little swelling and lumps that went away after some letro and ceasing usage)
Also, I got a hernia last year that I got surgery for (which sucked by the way and have only been training for about a month now, but have no pain, and my diet and supplementation couldn't be more perfect. 5 am daily training and totally clean diet with an occasionaly cheat day.
I'm 6' , 210 ( i gained a good amount of fat after the surgery and traveling for my job. I've been working on getting it down and really just want to solidfy my gains. At a month now I'm not getting begginers soreness, I'm getting stronger at each workout, and seeing some excellent results. I use NOX, Creatine, 225 grams of protein a day and low fat, medium carbs, and normal calorie intake.
Please your thoughts and criticism are more then welcomed but encouraged.
How long should I wait to start ?
Should I add the Prop ?
If I do should I start the Letro early one ? or should the Premo cover it ?
How long and how much weekly should i do of each ? or should I pyramid ?
Should I consider any other come of drugs ? (clomid, nolvadex, etc..)
thanks to all of you in advance.. I truly value your opinions..