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Thread: Tren causing bloat/edema?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Tren causing bloat/edema?

    Have any tren users exerienced water retention/bloat/edema while on?

    During prep for my last contest I had several episodes lasting 3-5 days of moderate edema/bloat. I was taking 75mg test prop, 75 mg tren A, 50mg Masteron ED. Ive used prop and masteron before with no bloat. My feet and ankles swelled to the point I could hardly get my shoes on. At the same time I was doing 2-hours of cardio per day (split in 2 sessions). I was taking 200 mg of B-6 Ed, Aromasin, and Nolva, but no bromo or dostinex. Just wondering if Prolactin will cause water retention. Had no nipple problems. I dropped the tren and yohimbe at about 12 days before the contest and my edema went away.

    I competed last Saturday and started the cycle again on Sunday minus the tren. So far no Edema. I think, unless I hear some horror stories, I will start the tren again at 50mg ED and monitor.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    2 years ago i ran a tren-only(i know this is wrong), i also noticed some bloating (while i was cutting).....and if i remember corretly i read also somewhere else that the raise in prolactin can cause this...maybe someone with more knowledge about this subject can confirm this?!
    The bloat wasnt as bad as a test/deca/dbol cycle, but it was a noticible...

    How your contest go? Ill assume good..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks for the reply Fred. Im going to start the tren up again at just 50mg Ed and see how things go. Its acetate, so if its bothering me at all, Ill cut it out. Im also using test prop at 100mg Ed and Winstrol at 100 mg ED. Im probably going to add Masteron too.

    The contest was a local "tune up" show for me. I took 2nd in masters and 3rd in Lt Hvy Open. One judge had me at 1st and 1st and that's where I thought I should have been. I blew the masters guy away in EVERY category. I was shocked they put me in 2nd. Then I heard he had won that masters show 3 times previously and was the home town favorite. I wont do that contest again.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    2 years ago i ran a tren-only(i know this is wrong), i also noticed some bloating (while i was cutting).....and if i remember corretly i read also somewhere else that the raise in prolactin can cause this...maybe someone with more knowledge about this subject can confirm this?!
    The bloat wasnt as bad as a test/deca/dbol cycle, but it was a noticible...

    How your contest go? Ill assume good..

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