Have any tren users exerienced water retention/bloat/edema while on?
During prep for my last contest I had several episodes lasting 3-5 days of moderate edema/bloat. I was taking 75mg test prop, 75 mg tren A, 50mg Masteron ED. Ive used prop and masteron before with no bloat. My feet and ankles swelled to the point I could hardly get my shoes on. At the same time I was doing 2-hours of cardio per day (split in 2 sessions). I was taking 200 mg of B-6 Ed, Aromasin, and Nolva, but no bromo or dostinex. Just wondering if Prolactin will cause water retention. Had no nipple problems. I dropped the tren and yohimbe at about 12 days before the contest and my edema went away.
I competed last Saturday and started the cycle again on Sunday minus the tren. So far no Edema. I think, unless I hear some horror stories, I will start the tren again at 50mg ED and monitor.![]()