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Thread: HCG usage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    HCG usage

    I'm 23 yrs old, 6', 210. been lifting for 6 yrs and this will be my 2nd cycle

    I've been doing reasearch on hcg but want to fine tune it with a more specific question. My next cycle will be:

    wk 1-10-sus250 twice per week and 2 ml of sten (eod inj)
    wk 1-4 mt
    pct- nolva 40 mg ed for 3-4 wks and hcg

    I've never ran hcg before. From what I've read I would like to run it in the middle of my cycle and for pct....I would like to know what would be more ideal as far as how much and how often for my cycle and pct......any info would be awesome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by taiotosh7
    I'm 23 yrs old, 6', 210. been lifting for 6 yrs and this will be my 2nd cycle

    I've been doing reasearch on hcg but want to fine tune it with a more specific question. My next cycle will be:

    wk 1-10-sus250 twice per week and 2 ml of sten (eod inj)
    wk 1-4 mt
    pct- nolva 40 mg ed for 3-4 wks and hcg

    I've never ran hcg before. From what I've read I would like to run it in the middle of my cycle and for pct....I would like to know what would be more ideal as far as how much and how often for my cycle and pct......any info would be awesome
    There are many many ways to run HCG. From running it whilst "on", leading to PCT and during PCT. I use it whilst "on" at a low dose of 250-500ius/E5D. Then during PCT along with Nolva/Proviron. Like:

    wk 1-3 HCG 1000ius/ED (Mon/Wed/Fri)
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Proviron 50mg/ED

    Along with all Vitamins/Creatine/L-Glutamine/Vit-E/***** 3's and if needed, Trib and/or Tongkat Ali.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Thanks for the response. Yeah it seems that there is such a wide variety of hcg usage, there really is no "norm" on how to run it. I was torn on which way to go

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