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Thread: T3 and DBol?

  1. #1

    Arrow T3 and DBol?

    I keep hearing people say if you dont want to loose mass then take a test with T3, what about DBol? If so in what dosage? Clomid Post?

    Thanks all , just curious on this.
    My big order hasnt come through yet so all I got are Dbol, T3, Clen. , Clomid, Nolv . Soon I will have Deca , more DBol, Sust250.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    dbol, deca, sust are drugs used for bulking

    clen,T3 are used for cutting fat/losing

    First you have to decide what you want to do...get bigger or get leaner, because it is damn near impossible to do both at the same time.

  3. #3


    I plan on doing both Just lose some FAT first then build up from there. But... I heard T3 burns fat and lean mass, and test would help, so i thought..why not DBOL? If thats not possible..oh well, i guess my chubby ass will just have to work extra hard on my AS cycle to gain that back and then some. thanks pete

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    With the dbol/sust and deca yuou will hold a lot of water...even when using T3. If you can get your hands on arimidex do so and run at .5mg/day...will keep water away. A better choice would be to run T3 and clen with test prop or winstrol as they have very short half lives and will not cause bloating. They will also help combat the catabolism brought on by the cytomel. I would suggest, get some prop (or winny) and run that for 10 weeks with the clen and T3 (check out CYCLEONS T3 dosing formula in "Educational Threads") and save the dbol/deca/sust for a fall bulking cycle. Good luck with whatever you decide bro.

  5. #5


    I have access to TTOYYKYO Winny tabs. Will i need clomid post winny/t3/clen? thanks again pete

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