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Thread: Some critique of my cutting cycle please?

  1. #1

    Some critique of my cutting cycle please?

    I would like some critique of my cutting cycle. Starting it in 1 week, for 8 weeks, and as it happens I just booked a holiday and my cycle will finish a few days before we fly.

    My stats:
    20% body fat (as done by electronic scales)
    23 years old

    Always had high bf. Never done a cutting cycle or much cardio. So, my goal is to get down to 10-15%, put on maybe 6+ extra lbs of lean muscle in 8 weeks (more would be nive ofcourse but the primary goal is lose fat, cut up, and best case scenario a little vascularity).


    30mins on exercise bike 5 mornings a week - 1 minute power riding
    followed by 1 minute light riding followed by 1 minute power riding
    etc. for 30 mins

    5 nights a week - 1 body part per night - high reps (8-12) on all exercises


    Weeks 1-6:
    Anavar - 40mg ed

    Weeks 1-8:
    Test Prop - 100mg eod? or every 3 days?

    Weeks 1-8
    2 weeks on 2 weeks off - ephedrine 30mg x3 a day

    Weeks 4-8:
    Winny 50mg ed (not sure about Winny. If it means chance of
    hairloss then I will not do it)


    Morning - 6 egg whites, 2 scoops protein, 2 rds wholemeal bread, margarine

    Lunch (before 3pm) - 150g chicken, 100g pasta

    Evening (about 6pm) - tuna steak and 1 pint of milk

    Supper (about 9-9.30pm) - 100g chicken, 100g lean beef/steak, tomato

    Before bed - 2 scoops protein

    post w/o - 4 scoops protein

    On workout days I miss out 'before bed' meal.

    Looking fwd to some advice.


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No flame bro, but at 155lbs and 20% BF you should pass on the gear and really focus on diet and cardio. The plan looks pretty solid, but you really should wait to do gear as it's only gonna maintain lean muscle mass, not increase it. I would wait if I were you.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Pete235
    No flame bro, but at 155lbs and 20% BF you should pass on the gear and really focus on diet and cardio. The plan looks pretty solid, but you really should wait to do gear as it's only gonna maintain lean muscle mass, not increase it. I would wait if I were you.
    I'm on T replacement, and have been for 12 months. Looks like its life long too.

    You still think I should pass?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You need a solid meal after you lift. That should be when you get your biggest meal bro. prop @ 100mg EOD is good but how tall are you?

  6. #6

    5"8 and i've been training since I was 18. I'm 23 now. I was 126 lbs when I started. Now 155.


  7. #7
    Originally posted by Pete235
    you should pass on the gear and really focus on diet and cardio. The plan looks pretty solid, but you really should wait to do gear as it's only gonna maintain lean muscle mass, not increase it.
    1. With my being on testosterone replacement my opinion is that i will never be 'natural'. I was thinking that a mild cycle and bridging with the t replacement (100mg a week) would be okay. Your thoughts?

    2. The cycle I submitted will not put muscle on? Only maintain what I have while I lose body fat? I've read some past posts with similar cutting cycles and they have made nice gains while cutting.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by TheHitman
    2. The cycle I submitted will not put muscle on? Only maintain what I have while I lose body fat? I've read some past posts with similar cutting cycles and they have made nice gains while cutting.
    Well it's not impossible but it is difficult. Remember that as the bf dissapears the muscle becomes more obvious and you will look bigger fuller and thicker. Go for it brother! Let us know how you make out by updating your progress in the "Members cycle results" forum.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Pete235
    No flame bro, but at 155lbs and 20% BF you should pass on the gear and really focus on diet and cardio. The plan looks pretty solid, but you really should wait to do gear as it's only gonna maintain lean muscle mass, not increase it. I would wait if I were you.
    Are you saying that gear will not increase lean mass?

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