Is it a good idea to run T3 while running DNP ? I was planning a very safe 20-30 day cycle at 200mg/ED, nothing disgusting. I suppose if I feel I've become tolerant I can bump it to 400mg/ED but nothing sick like a gram.

From what I've read DNP lowers your T3 levels to almost zero. This can be a good thing because there is minimal muscle loss (very good news) but bad because it'll slow the fat burning. I figure if I run T3 @ something really low just to keep the thyroid working it couldn't hurt, somewhere around 50mcg/day. Let me know what you think.

This isn't a 'post cycle wanna cut FAST' kind of thing. I'm already pretty lean, around 15% BF and I plan on an all natural diet for another 3-4 weeks more than the month and a half I have been dieting for. Once I get down to around 12% BF I'd like to run a quick DNP cycle to get those abs I've always wanted. Thanks for any help.