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Thread: WHY The Aggresssion With Tren? I literally lose my mind and turn EVIL.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    WHY The Aggresssion With Tren? I literally lose my mind and turn EVIL.

    I was always a firm believer AGAINST the roid rage theory. I always chalked it right up with the 21 year old who though he was tough who REALLY thinks hes a bad azz now that he is taking 1CC of test per week he got from big Frank at the gym! (the typical beginners cycle IMO)

    The bottom line is I know my body VERY well. I can tell if Im up a pound, my temp is up a degree, etc. You get the picture. Tren literally makes me hate the world. I wanna rip just about anyones head off and Im a VERY even tempered guy when Im not on Tren.

    I cut some azz off the other day and he flipped me off (with both hands mind you! ). In turn I jumped out of my car and went to bust him in his grill in a full rage. This was VERY common when I was a punk kid but I am 31 yearls old with 3 kids. Now, Im about 265lbs and usually seeing me in full view is all it takes for them to back down. It was enough for him as well as he took off FAST. Thank god. I would probably be sitting in the clink right now.

    I KNOW I have tren to thank for this as I even find myself sitting and thinking about horrible ways to punish past enemies for hours. THIS IS NOT MY STYLE!

    Do you guys experience this?
    How do you combat it if you decide to tough it out?
    What causes it exactly? I mean, what makes a easy going catgrabber like me turn down right evil????

  2. #2
    when people cut me off i usually just get in front of them and start driving like grandpa hehe. although i have no clue about the roid rage, from what i was aware that rage was all mental but who knows. whenever im stressed i just tell me girl im stressed and need to relax and she usually takes care of me :| lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I really understand were your coming from. About a year a go I had an incident at school were I got into a road rage type incident with another driver. I felt horrible, and stupid because I'm more intelligent than that, and the consiquences could of been bad. You might want to consider anger managment just to lean how to learn stratagies to control yourself, there is nothing wrong with that. Tren is one of the most androgenic compounds in the world as you well know, and I think it's not used medically for humans because of its effects on the brain aka aggressive behavior. I'm not talking about that group stuff, but there nothing wrong with working on it with a therapist before something bad happens. I say you need to take it seriously, or avoid really androgenic stuff like that all together. Just my 2cents.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.

    Damn man, yer like the friggin einstein of aas. You know ****in everything it seems.

    How long you been researching aas and such?

    sorry to kinda hijack.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    BIG K I G your freaking aw-some wow

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.

    Do these serotonergic amines effect cortisol levels or stress in any way?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.
    Very good. I never considered the effects to be linked to seratonin. Looks like some Paxil might do the trick to combat Tren aggression. Paxil stops seratonin from being reabsorbed into the brain. But then again, if Tren effects seratonin, wouldnt depression be the issue and NOT aggression? Thanks bro. Cat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ha! Ha! Thanks man i'm not really that hot on AAS etc i see some dudes post on some other boards that have me going 'huh?'

    I've been researching from the time i saw the word 'clenbuterol' on the back of a mag in 2001 but only really started during the time the profiles were being written for this site, i just love to read/learn i guess.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I'm pretty sure a few weeks into it.. u'll lose that edge, and actually feel awesome n great, n loving.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by CatGrabber
    Very good. I never considered the effects to be linked to seratonin. Looks like some Paxil might do the trick to combat Tren aggression. Paxil stops seratonin from being reabsorbed into the brain. But then again, if Tren effects seratonin, wouldnt depression be the issue and NOT aggression? Thanks bro. Cat
    Well there was this study with monkeys who were raised w/o their mother or both parents (can't remember which one) and they had low brain seratonin are they were very aggressive wanted to kick tons of primate ass. Anyway the brain has androgen receptors as well so different steroids will have different effects D-bol makes you happy, tren makes you pissed.

    This got me think tren lowers dopamine as well our 'happy feeling' hormone, i wonder.............. you ever try cabergoline while on tren? Try cabergoline and L-tyrosine with the tren too replenish neurotransmitters like dopamine.

    This is only a hunch though but it may work. Maybe.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Without going into details, I nearly spent the night in jail the other night for literally flipping out and having my girlfriend completely scared out of her mind. I just lost it. I just turned 30 and don't normally act like this. I too, have been pulling people over that piss me off and wanting to split their head open for whatever reason. I'm on Paxil since Tuesday so let's hope that goes away. I've also been of Tren for weeks as well as off Deca, Anadrol, Test Cyp. I'm only on Winny and Test Enan now finishing up a 4 monther. rage sucks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    This has me rethinking my cycle. Damn.

  14. #14
    I dont know how I am gonna do on it if I do. My girlfriend already really irritates me.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Bronx NY
    im about to start a tren cycle soon let god be by my side lol i dont wana start big booting car windows when they cut me off

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    We all have our moments of senseless aggression, but seriously, what did you have to gain by getting out of your car?

    What if Johnny-normal-guy just happened to have a gun and shot you because he was crazy?

    That is wonderful that you know your body so well, but you should apply that knowledge in situations like these. If you know you are going to have a short fuse, count to 10 or something and prevent things like this from happening.

    The last thing I want to see is you on the news, the poster child for the puppet public, for breaking some guys skull.

    All for something as STUPID as getting cut off? RELAX...You are an adult, you can control your decision making even if you honestly can't control the emotions behind them...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Well there was this study with monkeys who were raised w/o their mother or both parents (can't remember which one) and they had low brain seratonin are they were very aggressive wanted to kick tons of primate ass. Anyway the brain has androgen receptors as well so different steroids will have different effects D-bol makes you happy, tren makes you pissed.

    This got me think tren lowers dopamine as well our 'happy feeling' hormone, i wonder.............. you ever try cabergoline while on tren? Try cabergoline and L-tyrosine with the tren too replenish neurotransmitters like dopamine.

    This is only a hunch though but it may work. Maybe.
    Cabergoline works very different than what you're thinking.

    Tren increases Prolactin (through increasing TRH) which is in axis with Dopamine, meaning they're in a balance. So Dopamine will decrease with tren and increase with DBol, this is why I've mentioned to some people that if there's too many sides with tren then use some DBol with it.

  18. #18
    also why adding T3 to your tren cycle can do the same thing.....through lowering of prolactin

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Mt. Paekdu, Unified Korea
    Quote Originally Posted by CatGrabber
    I KNOW I have tren to thank for this as I even find myself sitting and thinking about horrible ways to punish past enemies for hours. THIS IS NOT MY STYLE!
    I totally sympathize with you. The only way I can even out this nasty side of tren is to run small doses of dbol with it. Sounds strange but it works for me.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dragon69
    Cabergoline works very different than what you're thinking.

    Tren increases Prolactin (through increasing TRH) which is in axis with Dopamine, meaning they're in a balance. So Dopamine will decrease with tren and increase with DBol, this is why I've mentioned to some people that if there's too many sides with tren then use some DBol with it.
    Ok. Well the issue here is not progestin but low levels of neurotransmitters which may be the cause of his bad temperment. I thought cabergoline would go that. I know d-bol does the opposite to tren so yeah it might help.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.
    well that combined w/a synergetic effects of LACK OF SLEEP LOL

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    We all have our moments of senseless aggression, but seriously, what did you have to gain by getting out of your car?

    What if Johnny-normal-guy just happened to have a gun and shot you because he was crazy?

    That is wonderful that you know your body so well, but you should apply that knowledge in situations like these. If you know you are going to have a short fuse, count to 10 or something and prevent things like this from happening.

    The last thing I want to see is you on the news, the poster child for the puppet public, for breaking some guys skull.

    All for something as STUPID as getting cut off? RELAX...You are an adult, you can control your decision making even if you honestly can't control the emotions behind them...
    Nicely put bro.. i agree

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    well that combined w/a synergetic effects of LACK OF SLEEP LOL
    Exactly. I'm just pissed feeling tired if I don't get sleep. Add in a harsh androgenic then all bets are off...

  24. #24
    I feel pretty,
    Oh so pretty,
    I feel pretty and witty and gay,

    And I pitty,
    Any girl who isnt me today,

    Jack Nicholson: Lalalalalalalala

    I feel charming,
    Oh so charming,
    It's alarming how charming i feel,

    Angery Driver #1: Move your ass dip shit!

    And so pretty that I hardly beleive im real,
    Jack Nicholson: lalalalalalala,

    Angery Driver #2: Burn in hell!

    See that pretty girl in that mirror there (what mirror where)
    Who can taht attractive girl be (which one where hum)
    What a pretty face(Hum)
    What a pretty dress(Hum)
    What a pretty smile(Hum)
    What a pretty meeee(Hummm)

    I feel stunning(feel stunning)
    And entrancing(and entrancing)
    Both:Feel like running and dancing for joy
    for im loved by a pretty wonderful boy!

  25. #25
    What if Johnny-normal-guy just happened to have a gun and shot you because he was crazy?

    Well Im not crazy and my name isnt johnny but I carry a concealed .45 in both of my cars. Ive shot 2 people for doing some stupid shit like that, really only one of them b/c he had a ****ing knife with a blade about 6 inches long. (I didnt cut anyone off driving either and make them pissed it was both incidents at bars where drunk guys get way out of hand.) I dont think by body would apprectiate being cut by that. Im a big guy at 21 y/o and dont really worry about things like that but having grown up around guns and all my family in the military I cant seem to let them go. Esp. with the way our society is atm and the world is getting crazier every damn day. You never know who has a gun now a days so really try not to blow up over little shit. You just might get your life taken away from you..
    Last edited by MotorBoatin' SOB; 04-29-2006 at 01:05 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Androgen receptors in the brain - trenbolone binds very well... I guess you would have to take an anti-androgen to block it... but this would defeat the purpose of the cycle all together...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Highly androgenic AAS like tren, increase chemicals called serotonergic amines in the brain and decrease brain seratonin,making you more aggressive.

    With decreased seratonin dont you become extremely depressed?

    Do people experiance this on Tren?

    What about taking something to inhibit the decrease in seratonin?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wow, i shoulda read a little bit longer to realize the above post is a re-post... oops

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    tren is the only thing that can get me absolutely out of control. I could have killed 2 ex g/fs. i just pressed her towards the wall to make her stop and i heard her head hitting on the wall.. she was ok, but it was bad exp.. called cops as well...

    now i am on tren and drol and someone changed lanes while i was driving my suzuki 1300... was about to kill him instantly!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i think halo is even worse then tren...the combi of those two should make u the devil himself

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    i take zoloft due to my low serotonin levels and i am a scary, mean motherf'er on tren, but i'm not depressed

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    i think halo is even worse then tren...the combi of those two should make u the devil himself
    I have to say that Halo gave me more aggression, but also more of an "up" feeling. It was more of just a pre-workout aid than anything else.
    I'm doing an 8 week blitz right now and cut the Tren at the end of week #5. I must say that I am more pleasant to be around and the little things don't wig me out now like they were mid-Tren. I am just horny all the time from the Prop, now.
    I love the good effects of Tren though. But I can't really use it for long periods. And I keep the doses pretty low, too.
    I guess this lab rat found his "sweet spot" for Trenbolone.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    Well Im not crazy and my name isnt johnny but I carry a concealed .45 in both of my cars. Ive shot 2 people for doing some stupid shit like that, really only one of them b/c he had a ****ing knife with a blade about 6 inches long. (I didnt cut anyone off driving either and make them pissed it was both incidents at bars where drunk guys get way out of hand.) I dont think by body would apprectiate being cut by that. Im a big guy at 21 y/o and dont really worry about things like that but having grown up around guns and all my family in the military I cant seem to let them go. Esp. with the way our society is atm and the world is getting crazier every damn day. You never know who has a gun now a days so really try not to blow up over little shit. You just might get your life taken away from you..
    Hey, we all need to feel powerful in some way dont we? I myself hate guns.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I know exactly what you are saying! I too am very level headed and now 36 years old. A few months ago while on tren I broke my hand 2 times in one month from punching sh$t. The second time I punched something so hard a bone popped out the back of my hand. Eveyone talks about having self control. I had this my whole life until taking tren. It made me stronger, but I knew if anyone pissed me off, even a little, something was going to get hurt. Most likely myself, but that did not matter. Thanks for being honest as I feel this is one area that this board tends to ignore. I know and you know there is some real sh$t going on when taking tren. I am not even saying that people shouldnt take it. I just think they should keep in mind that tren can make you a little more agressive than normal.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Tren makes me and many people, much more aggressive than anything else that I/they have done, but havent done halo which someone wrote is worse, so halo I wont even think about it, because tren ****s so much with my head like so many already here writes, wanna fight anything that walkes and breath...

    But to that I will say that it is dose dependant 140mg/d. tren then all the fun was gone, but last time i checked 70mg/d. could be done from here without "to much anger" if u can call it that, even 70mg/d. is much worse than 1500mg test.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    Just like everyone reacts differently to alcohol, you will find many different reactions to tren as well. Some people drink and just get happy and want to party. Others get violent and rowdy. Well, you get the picture.

    Point is, if you know something affects you negatively, it's obviously having some kind of negative reaction with your body, and the best advice I can give you is to stay away from it. There are plenty of alternatives to tren out there. Even if you found some way to "deal with" or "cover up" the issues, nonetheless this stuff is still throwing you out of whack.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Agreed. But Im getting these sides at 100mg EOD. Im just gonna try 50md EOD and see how it goes. If then I have issues, in in the trash. Cat

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    No wonder you have issues, tren should.....wait....not should IMO must be injected ED EOD is nothing but a roller coaster ride in your androgen levels.

  39. #39
    Agreed, ED is optimal. I have tried both and with EOD injections you have much worse sides.

    Btw, yes tren has made my fuse shorter/less patience but it really comes down to making the right decisions and self-control. If you can't handle how you act on a drug then simply stop taking it.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by CatGrabber
    I was always a firm believer AGAINST the roid rage theory. I always chalked it right up with the 21 year old who though he was tough who REALLY thinks hes a bad azz now that he is taking 1CC of test per week he got from big Frank at the gym! (the typical beginners cycle IMO)

    The bottom line is I know my body VERY well. I can tell if Im up a pound, my temp is up a degree, etc. You get the picture. Tren literally makes me hate the world. I wanna rip just about anyones head off and Im a VERY even tempered guy when Im not on Tren.

    I cut some azz off the other day and he flipped me off (with both hands mind you! ). In turn I jumped out of my car and went to bust him in his grill in a full rage. This was VERY common when I was a punk kid but I am 31 yearls old with 3 kids. Now, Im about 265lbs and usually seeing me in full view is all it takes for them to back down. It was enough for him as well as he took off FAST. Thank god. I would probably be sitting in the clink right now.

    I KNOW I have tren to thank for this as I even find myself sitting and thinking about horrible ways to punish past enemies for hours. THIS IS NOT MY STYLE!

    Do you guys experience this?
    How do you combat it if you decide to tough it out?
    What causes it exactly? I mean, what makes a easy going catgrabber like me turn down right evil????

    im not sure there is much you can do to prevent tren rage other than not taking it. the reason it does this is cause it is so incredibly androgenic. good sh_t but it does make a normally calm guy turn into a raging psycho while on it

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