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  1. #1
    wolar32 is offline Junior Member
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    The TJ Situation

    I am getting ready for another trip to my favorite vacation spot. I have been going there since 1991 while stationed in Oceanside. I actually stayed on the base all of last summer while doing some civilian work. At that time, I had a bad feeling about everything down there. I went down to party a few times and could tell something was not right (after talking to a couple of locals whom I trusted in the past).

    Forward to November of last year. I was ready to make a serious trip (from NorCal) but then my health took a serious turn for the worse. A nice little five year cycle will do that to you. Well, it was a blessing in disguise. Not long after my planned November date, everything went sour down there.

    Here I am today, healthy (but 60lbs lighter), ready to go on another vacation. However, I hear conflicting messages from different sources. Some say all is well, while others say it is not good. It seems our little scar-faced friend has decided to befriend the policia. Well, after my past experiences with them (policia) I just wanted to see if anyone had any recent experiences down there. If anyone has any Smart And Final info (or other places we all know) I would appreciate it. I would be remiss if I didn't gauge the climate before I went.

  2. #2
    purvurt is offline New Member
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    Dude, I live here in Tijuana... there is NOTHING here!!! I've been looking all over and have seen only fake vet stuff and farmacia stuff (dif. types of test., deca BUT very expensive, primo WAY more expensive than the deca) I say stick to European stuff for now... trust me its DRY down here

  3. #3
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    usa ugl =)

  4. #4
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    Tj Situation

    The TJ situation is quite dead for the most part. What you can find are preloaded Sustanon 250 needle/syringe combos for about $11, Deca 100mg amps for about $20(yes $20!!!!), you can get Lilly Humatrope GH and Primobolan Depot 50mg(do you know how expensive it gets with 50mg at a time?). Then there are a few pharmacies that sell fake garbage that may or may not be something real. And of course you'll have the dozens of Meth addicts that will rush up to you on the street and promise that they can get you anything you want if you'll just please get them some ICE. Needless to say, don't do that. On top of these problems, there are a TON of corrupt cops that are ready and able to steal your money at any second. It's dangerous, no good gear and not worth it right now. I've been down there for about 12 years straight and this is the worst I've ever seen TJ.


  5. #5
    purvurt is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STAYHUNGRY
    The TJ situation is quite dead for the most part. What you can find are preloaded Sustanon 250 needle/syringe combos for about $11, Deca 100mg amps for about $20(yes $20!!!!), you can get Lilly Humatrope GH and Primobolan Depot 50mg(do you know how expensive it gets with 50mg at a time?). Then there are a few pharmacies that sell fake garbage that may or may not be something real. And of course you'll have the dozens of Meth addicts that will rush up to you on the street and promise that they can get you anything you want if you'll just please get them some ICE. Needless to say, don't do that. On top of these problems, there are a TON of corrupt cops that are ready and able to steal your money at any second. It's dangerous, no good gear and not worth it right now. I've been down there for about 12 years straight and this is the worst I've ever seen TJ.

    Listen to the man!!!! I experience this every frickin day!! That is exactly how it is!!

  6. #6
    wolar32 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STAYHUNGRY
    The TJ situation is quite dead for the most part. What you can find are preloaded Sustanon 250 needle/syringe combos for about $11, Deca 100mg amps for about $20(yes $20!!!!), you can get Lilly Humatrope GH and Primobolan Depot 50mg(do you know how expensive it gets with 50mg at a time?). Then there are a few pharmacies that sell fake garbage that may or may not be something real. And of course you'll have the dozens of Meth addicts that will rush up to you on the street and promise that they can get you anything you want if you'll just please get them some ICE. Needless to say, don't do that. On top of these problems, there are a TON of corrupt cops that are ready and able to steal your money at any second. It's dangerous, no good gear and not worth it right now. I've been down there for about 12 years straight and this is the worst I've ever seen TJ.


    I have definitely ran into a few corrupt cops down there. The first time it only cost me $25. The second time it cost me much, much more. Almost went to jail that time.

    I have not been down there for gear since June 2004 (last summer was just for partying). I remember the good old days when you could get those Sostanon 250's for $3.50. I might have to resort to using the Sostanon again. Man, it has been years since I used those redijects.

    I am going to be down there in a few weeks so I will probably stop in. Is the place by Smart and Final out of business? I have heard rumors that they still have Pet's Pharma gear. Or did they get raided too?

    Thanks for the input

  7. #7
    purvurt is offline New Member
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    that place is done wolar!!a couple of months I walked I walked in there and looked at the wall ( If anyone knows this place (by smartand final) you know about "THE WALL") And there was nothing there!!! I asked one of the ladies there "What happened?" she was like "what do you mean?", "What happened to the wall?" I ansewered. She said "The wall is still there" (Very funny HA frickin HA) then she told me that they were not in the business anymore! I cried that day...

  8. #8
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    downthere last and finalis is adone deal. and mr scar face doesnt work there anymore. there are only two places left that have anything...they both have cyp,eq,winny,suspension,deca and drol oh yeah and prop, all pets pharma and animal power....and there is the one vet shop right by the arch at the end revolution but they are crazy over priced and only sell brovel.

  9. #9
    gmmvp42's Avatar
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    Has any one been through customs(Tijuana) lately? My last time thru one of the id checkers had a pager on his belt start beeping. He jumped out of his chair and held his beeper like a compass, following the beeps like a metal detector. He walked past me, and went into the crowd of people in line. He says" He's still here, somewhere" then another guy says"Do you want to start separating everyone and individually check them?" So they each had one of these pager type things and they were starting a line to search everyone, using the pagers like airport security wands. I asked a guy what they were, if they were to detect drugs and he said "It is for security". But they asked me if I had any pills and if I had been undergoing chemotherapy. What ever happened I was told to leave and I guess they were going to wave their beepers all over everybody. Has anyone ever seen this before?

  10. #10
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    One Last Thing

    Someone mentioned that there is still the Vet supply place at the end of Revolution(This would be considered Calle primera). The one right near the Hotel Nelson on Calle Primera. Anyway, just for your info, be VERY,VERY,VERY careful at this place. The cops sit at the end of Revolution right in front of the Hotel Nelson and they just sit and watch for gringos buying at this place. This particular place is actually linked to the pharmacy across the hallway next door that sells regular drugs. This is the only time I got MAJOR popped in Tijuana. I walked out of that "granero" and 6 cops pulled me in front of the Hotel Nelson, took the anabolics and said they were taking me to jail. Well, surprise surprise, they did not take me to jail but rather to an ATM where they demanded $150. It actually was kind of reasonable, at least I thought at the time but I was just so scared. Anyway, I haven't been to TJ in a few months but if this graneo on Revolution and Calle Primera(across from Hotel Nelson) is still operating, BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!! Sometimes the guys there will sell you gear and then call their cop buddies to shake you down for cash. It's a wicked place. Just some info for your protection...take it or leave it. Their name is "FARMACIA Y VETERENARIA REVOLUTION". Calle Primera, no.101-A Zona Centro. Telephone is 01152(664)685-82-17. Email is [email protected]. Ok, I'm being so specific about this place because I went through hell and want you to just be careful of this place PLEASE! The main guy's name is Ralph and he is cool and will watch out for cops for you, but the place is REALLY risky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's all look out for each other people, especially people like me that have been into this for a LONG time. Peace out



  11. #11
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    Has anyone considered going way down south like Mexico City?

  12. #12
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just order euro and get it regular mail. Better quality and pricing. Or a good domestic UGL. Mex is too much of a hassle anymore.

    I had no problem getting primotest 1cc break offs last summer in TJ. Most everything was sold in every farmicia at that time. Has it changed that much in a year?
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 04-30-2006 at 12:10 AM.

  13. #13
    wolar32 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info guys. You just saved me a long and fruitless trip. Dammit! You see, all these years this has been my place. It allows me to be my own source so to speak. I use to leave there with 5K worth of goodies and I'd be set. I guess I am done with TJ. But oh the memories. You guys wouldn't believe some of the stuff I saw down there in the pharmacies and graneros and massage parlors.

    I got popped down there in Jan 2003. Took me to an ATM in a remote part of town and made me and the rest of my party withdraw the maximum amount. They threatened me with the "you are going to have to talk to the narcotic detectives" line. I believed them because of the volume I had. They even pointed their revolvers at me. They looked like guns from a John Wayne movie. I'll never forget it.

    "The wall" was sweet. I salivated when I went in there. I bet you can still buy exotic birds and monkeys though.

    I am now considering using the homebrew method until the situation down there rebounds (which could be a few years). I am trying to drum up a good source for powders, but it is slow to happen. I found a couple from China yesterday, but I really have no way of verifying them. This is a whole new ballgame for me. If you guys have any advice on this I would appreciate it.

    Thanks again

  14. #14
    Streaker's Avatar
    Streaker is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolar32
    Thanks for the info guys. You just saved me a long and fruitless trip. Dammit! You see, all these years this has been my place. It allows me to be my own source so to speak. I use to leave there with 5K worth of goodies and I'd be set. I guess I am done with TJ. But oh the memories. You guys wouldn't believe some of the stuff I saw down there in the pharmacies and graneros and massage parlors.

    I got popped down there in Jan 2003. Took me to an ATM in a remote part of town and made me and the rest of my party withdraw the maximum amount. They threatened me with the "you are going to have to talk to the narcotic detectives" line. I believed them because of the volume I had. They even pointed their revolvers at me. They looked like guns from a John Wayne movie. I'll never forget it.

    "The wall" was sweet. I salivated when I went in there. I bet you can still buy exotic birds and monkeys though.

    I am now considering using the homebrew method until the situation down there rebounds (which could be a few years). I am trying to drum up a good source for powders, but it is slow to happen. I found a couple from China yesterday, but I really have no way of verifying them. This is a whole new ballgame for me. If you guys have any advice on this I would appreciate it.

    Thanks again
    Careful bro. A post like this may get you some scammer PM's selling you some baking powder.

  15. #15
    wolar32 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Streaker
    Careful bro. A post like this may get you some scammer PM's selling you some baking powder.
    Thanks for the heads up. Whatever source I end up using I'll try to get verified. I hardly ever post (just read) so I'm not sure if I have enough posts for source verification.

  16. #16
    LocoCabron's Avatar
    LocoCabron is offline New Member
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    tj primotest

    i agree that it is a hassle. and the places that have anything sometimes limit the quantity... so you have to hit a few different places just to get enough sostenon, deca , etc for a cycle. a real pain.

    Seattle Junk - you mentioned the primotest 1cc ampules (i'm assuming schering)... how would you rate that stuff? good gains or no?

    had some veterinary d-bol pills 10mg from down there and at this point would say they are garbage (only gained about 4 lbs in 2.5 weeks)

    wish i'd had gone there during the glory days

  17. #17
    BROTHERHOOD's Avatar
    BROTHERHOOD is offline Junior Member
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    My people tell me that there is gear there, just hard to find. I know the dude in the vet shop by the arches is still stocked. But he has some high prices for mex but its still pretty cheap. Theres a couple more places but its all shady down there. All in all ide stick to a UGL for the time being mexico is a bust right now.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    don't get caught. I hate mexico. Used to live in So cal. went there all the time B4 I was 21

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