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Thread: Couple quick cycle questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Couple quick cycle questions

    Hey everyone,

    I've got a couple quick questions regarding my cycle. Any advice is always appreciated.

    Week 1-9 Deca 300mg/w
    Week 1-10 Test Cyp 400mg/w
    Week 9-15 Winny 100mg EOD
    Week 12- ... Clomid
    Week 12-18 Clen 100mcg/ED

    I'm taking 1mg A-dex ED (Had to increase it from .5 ED)

    Now here are my questions,
    1. How do my doses and # of weeks look for my Clen and Winny.
    2. Should I start the Winny earlier? Simply because the deca might alleviate some of the joint issues off the bat.

    Oh, and I'm bulking up until week 10, then I'm cutting through my pct while working extra hard to keep my gains

    Thanx everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    cycle experience stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Cutting through your PCT?!?!?!? That's not smart.

    You need to research more. Your cycle is crap. Deca for 9 weeks, clomid ran along side Winny, I don't see any logic at all to your approach.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by joshr
    cycle experience stats?
    2nd cycle
    Lifting for approx 6a
    6'3" 195lbs (Before I started lifting years ago I was 150lbs)
    14-16% bf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Cutting through your PCT?!?!?!? That's not smart.

    You need to research more. Your cycle is crap. Deca for 9 weeks, clomid ran along side Winny, I don't see any logic at all to your approach.

    One of the questions I had was, should I start my PCT 2 weeks after my test, or 2 weeks after my winny. Forgot to include that question.

    Why shouldn't I cut through my pct? How many people run Clen through their pct? TONS! Why? They just like the feeling? Or maybe they need a little anxiety in their life. Maybe THEY'RE not smart? Dood, can't you say what I SHOULD do rather than simply "Not smart" hahaha

    How is my cycle crap? You can't just say that without warrant. Trust me bro, I've done my research.
    I originally was going to run my deca through to week 10 but a couple people said I should end it one week before my test.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    People run clen for its anti-catabolic effects durring PCT, not for it's cutting ability. Deca has one of the longest esters out there, when gains aren't typically seen til week 6, sometimes later. Winny will keep your natural test supressed, just like any other aas. PCT will need to be started after your winny is done, times will depend on whether it's injected or oral. It's not smart to run winny that long without test in your system. Typically, no more than 2 weeks after your last shot of long estered test.

    I could go on, but since you've done your research, I'm sure you already know this.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    People run clen for its anti-catabolic effects durring PCT, not for it's cutting ability. Deca has one of the longest esters out there, when gains aren't typically seen til week 6, sometimes later. Winny will keep your natural test supressed, just like any other aas. PCT will need to be started after your winny is done, times will depend on whether it's injected or oral. It's not smart to run winny that long without test in your system. Typically, no more than 2 weeks after your last shot of long estered test.

    I could go on, but since you've done your research, I'm sure you already know this.

    That's perfect, thank you.
    I got the clen for it's anti-catabolic as well as it's fat burning capabilities. Why shouldn't I cut through my pct?
    So you understand why I ask if I should start winny early then. I'm thinking I should run it along side the deca AS WELL AS the test. Are there any reasons not to start it early? Other than the number of injections I'll be responsible for.
    Much more informative buffsob, thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Durring PCT, even with cortisol blockers and anti-catabolic aids such as clen, you're going to be in a very catabolic state. You need to keep cals high to prevent losing your gains. For some, at least maintainence kcals. For others, 1000-2000kcals above maintainence. Here's how I'd run your cycle to make everything optimal and keep it simple.

    Deca 300mg Wks 1-12
    Test 500mg Wks 1-13
    Winny 50mg ed Wks 10-15

    Then PCT.

    Personally, I don't think the winny is needed nor warrented.


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