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  1. #1
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2006

    Need advice on cutting cycle

    I would like some advice on how to stack these compounds together to form an effective cycle.

    50ml Propionate 100mg
    70 Stanazol 25mg/tablet
    20ml Trenbolone 100mg
    20ml Boldenon 200mg

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    do some research and put a cycle together and we will advice the best we can on it, you do need to do some work yourself.

  3. #3
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2006

    Question Well this is what I was going to run!

    100mg prop EOD week 1- 20
    200mg Boldenon EW week 1-10
    50mg Stanazol ED week 11-14
    50mg Trenbolon ED week 15-18

  4. #4
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    At 200lbs, 12%bf, and this being your 5th cycle, I think you're looking way too much at anabolics and not nearly enough at your diet. Your cutting cycle is WAY OVERKILL. If you're gonna run anything, just stick with test prop 75-100mg ed. Take a trip to the diet forum.


  5. #5
    eljugo16's Avatar
    eljugo16 is offline Associate Member
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    20weeks? you don't need nearly that much. cut down the weeks and hit up the cardio, also check out the diet forum

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    warning RANT:
    here we go again another person putting all their emphasis on gear for a short cut when all their going to do is run full circle and be right back to where they started because they lack the knowldge and experience needed to maintain gains.
    End RANT.

    seroiusly DOOD goto diet forum like da SOB said up there stated.
    diet is 90% of it... and i u cant master that (which ur stats conclude) then u shudnt even be playing w/ aas let alone ur 5th cycle (which im skeptical on) anyways best of luck to you and do it right or dont do it at all.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    warning RANT:
    here we go again another person putting all their emphasis on gear for a short cut when all their going to do is run full circle and be right back to where they started because they lack the knowldge and experience needed to maintain gains.
    End RANT.

    seroiusly DOOD goto diet forum like da SOB said up there stated.
    diet is 90% of it..
    . and i u cant master that (which ur stats conclude) then u shudnt even be playing w/ aas let alone ur 5th cycle (which im skeptical on) anyways best of luck to you and do it right or dont do it at all.
    true words

  8. #8
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Way too much gear imo. I'd cut it back to just some prop, and run it shorter than you proposed. Make sure that your diet and cardio are excelent aswell.

  9. #9
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2006
    M diet will be in check ive been doing more research on it and im putting one together. These are the compounds ive got and im using it as a touch up. With the tren im going to use it when ive got a low % of body fat and same with stana.

    Ill be dieting first and when ive got some decent results THEN ill be taking some AAS as a touch up.

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