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Thread: almost 5 months off

  1. #1

    almost 5 months off

    hey everyone i just have a question about ance. i have been off now for almost 5 months this month...i ran a cycle of test e at 750mgs a week for 13 weeks and 6 weeks of tren at the end. i am still breakin out on my shoulders and my chest really bad. i was wondering if this will subcide anytime soon because i have been off for so long now. hope u can help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Acne on shoulders and back disappated from me just a few weeks after coming off high dosed tren. Sorry to say this is one of those things that people must take into account just like atrophied balls and balding...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    5 months after...I think it's time for accutane.

    Get a hormone test as well. It sound slike your hormones are not settled yet, and are tryinstill to recover.

    WHat was your pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i broke out post cycle coming off an enanthate/deca cycle. the remedy i used for my own treatment was washing the area with palmolive dish detergent when i shower & then use of benzoyl peroxide applied 3 times throughout the day. i actually used a benzoyl peroxide soap bar..but i would soap it on the infected area & leave it sit for hours at a time. it would burn like hell..but it dried out my acne within 2 weeks.

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