Is there anything that can help speed up your thyroid, without causing it to slow or shut down when you stop using the product?
Is there anything that can help speed up your thyroid, without causing it to slow or shut down when you stop using the product?
Why whats your problem.
Yeah, what 'product' are you talking about?
product would be whatever one activates your thyroid. I'm concerned with a rebound affect. I don't want to speed my thyroid up just to have it shut down when I stop taking.
why do you want to speed it up for? whats your problem?
Marcus. Metabolism is shit. I am eating clean and lifting I built good muscle but still got body fat. I was even eating macrobolicly. Made great gains and have kept them but MY BF has soared. And now I am having the hardest time ever dropping it down. My prob is I still have to eat right to maintain my mass, but it seems the calories I need to maintain are to high for me to lose fat.
I believe I have a slow thyroid, because my metabolism went to shit after getting blown up over seas. Then all the meds I was on really messed up my internal organs.
Well it's best to go to the doc and get a T.F test, if you have a sub-optimal thyroid levels you'll get the meds.
anything I can get at the research chemicals?
I will ask about that. TF is Thyroid Function correct?
If you do have a problem with your thyroid id go to the doctors and see what he says, try carb cycling throughout the day with morning cardio on empty stomach to burn BF, don't drop your food intake play around with the timing of the carbs and cycle them, try to burn the bf naturally as possible before you decide to use anything, but if you think theres is a problem with your thyroid go and get it tested.Originally Posted by novicenovicen
Thanx for the advice.
Bro plz do yourself a favor and see a doc.. your thyorid is a very complex organ. I wouldn't advise self medication in this departmend.
Someone might tell you to take some jodine to get your thyorid levels back up BUT there are certain circumstances where taking jodine can be dangerous despite the fact that your thyorid lvls are low..[autonome thyorid cells come to mind]...
The same goes for T4 and T3 medication also.
yeah I'm gonna have to I guess. It's just hard to tell the doc what to do when It is the VA. They don't want to do anything that costs more money.
I have Hypothyroidism (Slow Thyroid). Go see a DR. explain your symptoms, and then ask for a thyroid panel to be done.
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