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Thread: Permanent Gyno

  1. #1
    rainmaker3 is offline New Member
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    Permanent Gyno

    Hello everybody, about a month ago i ran a tbol/npp cycle and developed gyno, i have been on C Bino's letro protocol for 2.5 mg for approximately 3 weeks now and the gyno does not seem to be dissapoearing? does that mean the gyno will be here forever or should i continue to run the letro at 2.5 mg everyday till it goes away. If not should i switch to bromo to see if that will cure my gyno as i suspect it may have come from the npp

  2. #2
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Sorry to hear bro - but you may be looking at surgery if your case is bad enough.

  3. #3
    rainmaker3 is offline New Member
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    bump? any other repsonses would be appreciated

  4. #4
    rainmaker3 is offline New Member
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    sorry guys another quick quesiotn i have been running clomid at 100 mg for the last 25 days however, my clomid has just run out b/c i spilled some...leaving 5 days short of my 30 day clomid pct treatment..would 25 days be enough? or should i go out and order more, however that will take another 5 days before it comes in. Should i just stop the pct or wait 5 days and continue using the clomid for an additional 5 days?

  5. #5
    eberasain is offline Associate Member
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    I Suggest That You Consult With Your Local Physician About The Gyno... It Can't Hurt...

  6. #6
    rainmaker3 is offline New Member
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    bump any more responses on how to solve the pct problem and gyno?

  7. #7
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    What letro did you use? Was it in the spray bottle like the ones for sale on this website?

    I have a lil gyno aswell - my aereolas are puffy (this was from Superdrol/ Methyl 1-Alpha). I need to try some letro but dont know enough about it.


  8. #8
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    3 weeks ain't long enough. (letro needs 2 weeks to stabelise
    Try 6 weeks for that matter. And, I've heard that clomid and nolva can hinder the working of letro.
    Taking vit B6 at 200mcg seems to help also.
    I'm on letro 2.5 for 5 weeks now, and it's slowly getting less (but then, I'm still juicing)

    Armidex also seems do do wonders...\
    What ever makes your body react the right way. Last option is surgery.

    Serious, keep up the dosage for an extra 3 weeks. If the lumps are still hard, tamper down the letro by .25 per day, and try armidex.
    After that surgery is the only (?) way to go.

  9. #9
    rainmaker3 is offline New Member
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    May 2006
    so i'm just curious as why i would run arimidex if letro didnt' work? isn't letro the strongest AI out there? also how would vit b6 help my gyno cause?
    any responses are sincerely appreciated.

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