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Thread: Extreamly hungry on T3

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu

    Extreamly hungry on T3

    Hey all. I'm on my first week of T3 (added it to my clen cycle) and I am at 40mcgs per day of T3.

    Well, the problem is that I'm starving. I'm roughly 500-600 calories under my maintenance level, but I'm so hungry.

    Is the T3 affecting my metabolism that much? I was never like this when I did a Clen only cycle.

  2. #2
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    T3 directly influences your thyroid which controls appetite/metabolism etc, so you know it's working. My suggestion is to do high intensity cardio in the am on an empty stomach, maybe drinking a small protein shake 30-45 mins before to hinder catabolism (if your trying to keep muscle mass). The am intense cardio session will rev your metab even more throughout the day, allowing you to get another small meal or two in. I would also shy away from appetite suppressants/stimulants such as ECA while on clen/T3 to not overload your beta receptors . You should be running it 2 on/2 off for how ever long u want. Tough it out. Light at the end of the tunnel brother......

  3. #3
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    t3 can be run continuously. The clen can be run two ways. 2 on 2 off, or for 6 weeks with 50mg of benadryl at bedtime on weeks 3 and 6.

    I'm hungry all the time too and I'm running 75 mcg T-3 and 140 mcg clen. I'm also running EQ with my cycle, so I don't know what's triggering my hunger. Probably a combination of all 3.

    Being hungry doesn't bother me, (it helps me get my 350 grams of protein) unless I wake up at 3am starving.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jman5k
    T3 directly influences your thyroid which controls appetite/metabolism etc, so you know it's working. My suggestion is to do high intensity cardio in the am on an empty stomach, maybe drinking a small protein shake 30-45 mins before to hinder catabolism (if your trying to keep muscle mass). The am intense cardio session will rev your metab even more throughout the day, allowing you to get another small meal or two in. I would also shy away from appetite suppressants/stimulants such as ECA while on clen/T3 to not overload your beta receptors . You should be running it 2 on/2 off for how ever long u want. Tough it out. Light at the end of the tunnel brother......
    Yeah.............. I wouldn't recommend that unless you don't like your muscles or just feel like burning off a protein shake for fun.

    Cfiler, just take the hunger as a good sign, it means it's working. Stay strong, nothing I hate worse than hunger pains, but that's kinda why most people don't like cutting. haha.


  5. #5
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    Yeah.............. I wouldn't recommend that unless you don't like your muscles or just feel like burning off a protein shake for fun.
    Would you recommend eating a small carb/pro meal instead 1.5-2 hrs before, or just stay on empty stomach? I was under the impression that a protein shake before some am cardio slows catabolism, but then again you are quite a knowledgable bro as I follow alot of your posts and replies, and I am just starting to understand the physiological effects of diet times and the like. I am interested in any input you have about this, and thanks for the constructive criticism in advance.

  6. #6
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    if your hungry eat and eat clean food and feed the muscle, attack the fat with cycling the carbs and timings of the carbs and morning cardio on empty stomach, food is to important even when dieting.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jman5k
    Would you recommend eating a small carb/pro meal instead 1.5-2 hrs before, or just stay on empty stomach? I was under the impression that a protein shake before some am cardio slows catabolism, but then again you are quite a knowledgable bro as I follow alot of your posts and replies, and I am just starting to understand the physiological effects of diet times and the like. I am interested in any input you have about this, and thanks for the constructive criticism in advance.
    Best way for cardio to be done is light intensity (65-75% max HR) on an empty stomach. If you've recently ate, you'll be burning the food for energy instead of directly burning fat. By keeping the HR low, you don't have much, if any, risk of muscle loss. Lipolysis (FFA's flowing through your blood to be used for energy) begins about 20 minutes once cardio has begun. 45-60 minutes of cardio is the recommended time frame for cardio. Anything over an hour, and the risk of muscle loss increases.

    I know this post should be in the diet forum, but I don't think the MODS/VETS will mind, as many of the new guys around here don't spend enough time learning about diet, and too much time looking at aas for answers.


  8. #8
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    Thanks guys. I'll tough through it. I knew my appetite might have increased, but I was not expecting this.

    My sences seem hightened now. I can smell the pringles that someone is eating four cubicles away from me. I can hear all bottles of pop being opened on my floor. And I can already taste the almonds that I'm going to have for a snack on my break.

    But I know it will be worth it. My pants are starting to get alittle loose, and my jaw is getting more defined.

  9. #9
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    You'll be happy with your results. I didn't realize how powerful t-3 and clen were until i went on vacation, where it was impossible to eat a clean high-protein diet. When i got back, I was 6 lbs lighter and my strength nose-dived. Once I got my protein/diet in check, my strength came right back and I'm still cutting.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the reply 1b, that post was a nugget of gold for me, and most others who will come across that. Short, sweet and educated as hell. I will be looking forward to reading your other posts because most of your intel seems to rival and reshape what i've always thought was conventional wisdom. People like you make this board go round. You da' MAN!!!


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jman5k
    Thanks for the reply 1b, that post was a nugget of gold for me, and most others who will come across that. Short, sweet and educated as hell. I will be looking forward to reading your other posts because most of your intel seems to rival and reshape what i've always thought was conventional wisdom. People like you make this board go round. You da' MAN!!!

    Anytime brother


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    You'll be happy with your results. I didn't realize how powerful t-3 and clen were until i went on vacation, where it was impossible to eat a clean high-protein diet. When i got back, I was 6 lbs lighter and my strength nose-dived. Once I got my protein/diet in check, my strength came right back and I'm still cutting.
    Yeah, I can tell that it's really effective. I really love it.

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