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  1. #1
    dazbo's Avatar
    dazbo is offline Senior Member
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    What if U go into a vein AFTER aspirating?


    Did an injection tonite, and as I was aspirating, I wondered, what if it pulls back bubbles (Which is good) but, then during injecting, it goes in a little further or moves a bit and hits a vein. Could that be a really bad thing ??

    Half way through my injection tonight, after a good aspiration, I decided to aspirate again out of curiosity. And it pulled blood back. So would that be normal ?? As it did not bleed much at all once I pulled the pin out ??


  2. #2
    dazbo's Avatar
    dazbo is offline Senior Member
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    oh and while im here, why dont doctors aspirate ???

  3. #3
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I would guess that when you aspirated the second time maybe the needel moved around and nicked a blood vessel that leaked out alittle blood and and you just sucked up a bit. Did you pull out and change sites or did you go ahead and finsh shotting in the same spot.

    Ive never noticed A doc aspirate either.

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    did you know certain medical tests require air to be shot into the veins?? Just thought I would add that.

  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Doctors think they are hot shots and dont aspirate lol. They USUALLY only shoot large muscle that are fairly deep, glutes, delts, quads. The way veins and arteries are arranged in your body its fairly hard to hit them if you are in the centre of a muscle. After studying a lot of cadavers this year its easy to see that veins and arteries are not in the middle of a muscle, if they were when the muscle was flexed it may stop the circulation. Thats why most veins are called the "superficial" blah blah of the "deep" blah blah vein, because they are beneath a layer of muscle or atop it. So the doctor just feel he knows how deep to go when hes in a muscle and knows he wont be in a vein.

  6. #6
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Or he just got like 10 years of Medical training and knows his shit better than others.

    What I sayd it's same as bino, only his reply did contain a few more "blabla" words.

  7. #7
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbieG
    Or he just got like 10 years of Medical training and knows his shit better than others.

    What I sayd it's same as bino, only his reply did contain a few more "blabla" words.

    What the F are you talking about the guy was asking a qestion BINO help out with part of the qestion and you have not contributed sh!t except a flame for no reason how is anything you said related to what BINO said?

  8. #8
    jayheero is offline Banned
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    another thread going nowhere to answer the question you probably moved the needle the second time and my have been in a blood vessel no big deal.

  9. #9
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    you'll cough your A$$ off... i've done it a few times... really sucks..

  10. #10
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    What the F are you talking about the guy was asking a qestion BINO help out with part of the qestion and you have not contributed sh!t except a flame for no reason how is anything you said related to what BINO said?
    What's the problem with simplefying English? For non native speakers, a short sentence says more

    And to contribute to the thread:
    a vain has a "thick" wall, you don't accedently push it in, you can feel it.
    You might scratch one, or hit a tiny vain, but that won't give a problem.
    and if you do hit a bigger vain, you will have a hard time for a few minutes

  11. #11
    dazbo's Avatar
    dazbo is offline Senior Member
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    thanks guys. Yeah I continued to injectr into that area. I also had no problems such as coughing or extra pain in that area. It barely blead once I pulled out. I was just curious.

    Just a note too, today, I felt the pin go in a bit more than normal, like a dull ache kinda pain, assumed Id gone through a nerve or something. Anyway, I aspirated as norm, injected and pulled out and there was actually a fair bit of blood seap out. Not great amounts but just more than normal. Again, no coughing or any toher probs from it.

  12. #12
    Oki-Des's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo

    Did an injection tonite, and as I was aspirating, I wondered, what if it pulls back bubbles (Which is good) but, then during injecting, it goes in a little further or moves a bit and hits a vein. Could that be a really bad thing ??

    Half way through my injection tonight, after a good aspiration, I decided to aspirate again out of curiosity. And it pulled blood back. So would that be normal ?? As it did not bleed much at all once I pulled the pin out ??

    Seems to me that you probably did not hit a vein. When you injected the AAS you may imagine it kind of soaking into your body. In reality it probably creates a little pocket which also mixes with blood. It may not be from tearing a vein, but tiny blood vessels which break when injecting the AAS. When you aspirated the second time, was the blood extremely thick? Could it have been you were just pulling back a mixture of blood and AAS? It kind of makes sense that there would be at least some blood when pulling back after injecting. If you aspirate at first, I think you will be good to go. I too have thought about moving the pin accidentally before or while injecting. These are all good points which is why you should never be complacent and think about each injection because your health may be at stake. Good Luck

  13. #13
    Oakley's Avatar
    Oakley is offline Associate Member
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    Chnaces are you go thru a vein to hit the muscle which happens to me alot and that would explain the bleeding after some shots as with others. You never truely know what could happen if you did inject into a vein but actually nailing a vein with a gauge of that size is hard. the only thing i could see happen is if you shoot before you get in the muscle and your gear will sit on top and make a knot for a short time. to me not as effective. Bubbles are not an issue when aspirating. Just dont bring bubbles in with the needle.... Happy shootin...

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