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Thread: Cycle Critique

  1. #1
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    Cycle Critique

    I am currently on a 10wk cycle of Cyp EOD for 12 weeks. I wanted to cut in Primo, Winny at week 6 thru the end of the cycle, continuing the Cyp thru to the end. Does this sound like a good cycle? I'm 18% bodyfat, 250lbs, 6'4" tall. I also have some winny and was going to mix that in too if need be for my joint pain. Im looking to gain a bit of mass without retaining too much water, going to about 10% at the end. Cardio and diet are in check, as well as my training and attitude.

    Please critique.

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Need some cycle experience. And why cyp eod? Only needs to be shot twice a week.

    Are you cutting or lean bulking with this cycle? You said going to 10% bf and gaining some mass, you can't have both.


  3. #3
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    I'll gain some mass then cut later on week 5+. I could do cyp 2x per week at 1.5cc per shot.

    My question is, can I run the cyp, primo and winny at the end together? should i add the winny if my joints get fussy?

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxjt
    I'll gain some mass then cut later on week 5+. I could do cyp 2x per week at 1.5cc per shot.

    My question is, can I run the cyp, primo and winny at the end together? should i add the winny if my joints get fussy?
    No you wont !!! Have you done any research at all on this cycle ?

    And I thought only my dick was fussy !!! apparently joints are too
    Last edited by Kale; 05-05-2006 at 07:53 AM.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxjt
    I'll gain some mass then cut later on week 5+. I could do cyp 2x per week at 1.5cc per shot.

    My question is, can I run the cyp, primo and winny at the end together? should i add the winny if my joints get fussy?

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Bro, there seems to be huge flaws in your logic. I think you need to spend a lot more time researching. Not trying to be a dick, just being honest.


  7. #7
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    I need it critiqued, thats why im asking. I couldnt find any info on all of the above completely.

    I just want to add some lean mass and cut a bit of bodyfat. Which of the above would you recommend ?

  8. #8
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Honesty, drop the gear depending how far along you are into the cycle, then get into the diet forum and cut. 18% is way too high of bf IMO.


  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Honesty, drop the gear depending how far along you are into the cycle, then get into the diet forum and cut. 18% is way too high of bf IMO.

    Exactly, at 6'4" and 250 you are huge already. Do you realise you will actually look bigger if you maintain your existing muscle mass and reduce your BF% ? You dont need juice, you need a cutting diet and a great cardio routine. But if you think juice is the answer then go for it, but make sure you come back here at the end of the cycle and show us the results

  10. #10
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    Yea I'm already huge, 14 years of working out, but I never got as cut as I wanted to. I am experimenting with AAS to gain bigger legs and arms, and to cut up quite a bit.

    here's what happened

    I took Deca for 4 weeks up until last week, i felt good but had some issues with deca dick. a friend told me to get off of it and take some test, which i should have started in the first place. I stopped that 2 weeks ago and went right to cyp @ 1.5cc's 2x per week, this is my second week on cyp only. i will be on this cycle for 10weeks. on the 5th week i want to start cutting, so i want to put some winny in the mix, also with some primo. i want to keep my gains (which I have been gaining in the last month) whilst cutting up and losing about another 5% bodyfat. i read that test is the base for all cycles, so does that mean for cutting as well? can i take the testwith the primo and winny towards the end? what if i stop the cyp and switch to primo and winny only? im confused about what they mean when they say test should always be used IN ANY CYCLE.

    as far as my bodyfat is concerned i know how to diet, i am eating a lot 6x per day proper protein etc i am not ready to cut yet until week 5. i also have wellbutrin xl and phentermine to keep me cut after my cycle is done (as well as PCT gear) so thats not an issue. i want to bulk a bit, then cut hard...

    thanks for all your help.

  11. #11
    Pinum's Avatar
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    Couple of things IMO; You should have run the deca with some test you got the deca dick and your HTPA has been effected. Cyp is a long acting ester and as everyone said does not need to be inj EOD once or twice a week is fine. The half life of Cyp is 2 weeks and yes taking 2x per week can help keep consistent blood levels but I usually go 1 shot every 5 days. Winny will not help your joints quite the opposit. Test is usually recommended to run throughout most cycles. When you are cutting you will want to watch the aromitizing properties of what you are taking because water retention will make you look bloated. Most people will run a SERM and an AI to reduce the estrogenic effects. As far as Primo I love the stuff but bang for your buck much better cutters (once again IMO). By reading your post you should really research the properties of what you taking read the profiles on the site and buy the sponsor's book, its a really good book and worth the money if your going to continue AAS's. Read up on the PCT section as well because taking another compound is not going to help keep gains from another when you come off of both.

  12. #12
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    So based on what I've explained above, should I continue the cyp, mix in the winny and the primo at wk 5 ? Or cut the test and just go winny/primo? I will buy the book, sounds like I need it.

    IM just getting confusing advice, opinions etc, need to know what I should do now... what would you do?


  13. #13
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Don't run without test.

    Why are you wanting to run the winny and primo anyway? What are you looking for from these compounds? If it's fat loss, you are mistaken.


  14. #14
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    I wanna cut up from the winny, I read that primo/winny was a good stack for this purpose. If winny/cyp combo is better i'll just stick with that.

    Fat loss I'm not concerned with, i can diet / increase cardio as needed, i just want something thats gonna help me start ripping.

  15. #15
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Define "ripping" and "cut up". Primo and a dht-derivitive such as winny will give the appearance of harder and very dry muscles, but only if you're under 10% bf and your diet is right for it. There ain't no way you're gonna get close to 10% by the end of your cycle. Waste of gear brother.


  16. #16
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    I have phentermine to add to my cutting cycle which will help me acheive my gains. Most of my bodyfat is water bloat anyways. I dont think my bf % is right anyways, i used one of those electronic devices at the gym which i think is way wrong. they dont account for water bloat do they?

  17. #17
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxjt
    I have phentermine to add to my cutting cycle which will help me acheive my gains. Most of my bodyfat is water bloat anyways. I dont think my bf % is right anyways, i used one of those electronic devices at the gym which i think is way wrong. they dont account for water bloat do they?
    You seriously think you'll drop 25+ pounds of fat in 5 weeks? I think you need to be more realistic.


  18. #18
    jayheero is offline Banned
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    bluff made a great point listen to him he is right. that cant be all bloat be honest and start running on that treadmill.

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