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  1. #1
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Starvation Diet?????

    A friend of mine has recently started what he calls the "Starvation Diet"... now to me i dont see the point of doing this but he has his heart set on dropping some weight real fast.

    he plans on taking clen tapered up exercising everyday, and starving himself until he gets the results he wants. IMO i think he is crazy as hell for doing this, although since "he heard" he can do this starvation diet and loose alot of weight with minimal side effects i dont think i can stop him from doing this.

    what i would like for yall to do is just post ur thoughts on this so i can get him to read it and change his mind. even though myself i have seen people do the starvation diet and have it work for them with good results i think adding clen to it will have some really bad side effects for him and i dont want him to take the clen. please post ur thoughts on this.


  2. #2
    2.minutes's Avatar
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    well try to tell him easy comes easy goes

  3. #3
    Njectable's Avatar
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    your friend is obviously an idiot and knows nothing about proper training and diet if he's even considering this IMO, he's basically gonna be binging and purging and when you do that once he gets to where he wants to be and starts eating the way he was and not starving himself all that weight he lost will likely come right back and it will just be a continuing cycle. When you starve yourself like that its a shock to your system and not only will his body start burning his stored fat as energy, but its also quite likely that his body will be using muscle tissue as well for energy, and once he starts eating normally again what happens is your body starts storing energy all over again in the form of fat so its prepared when this happens again, so he my's well just do it the right way.

  4. #4
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    your friend is obviously an idiot and knows nothing about proper training and diet if he's even considering this IMO, he's basically gonna be binging and purging and when you do that once he gets to where he wants to be and starts eating the way he was and not starving himself all that weight he lost will likely come right back and it will just be a continuing cycle. When you starve yourself like that its a shock to your system and not only will his body start burning his stored fat as energy, but its also quite likely that his body will be using muscle tissue as well for energy, and once he starts eating normally again what happens is your body starts storing energy all over again in the form of fat so its prepared when this happens again, so he my's well just do it the right way.
    while i agree with you on that, the fact is hes seen differant. we both know this guy who dropped a ton of weight real fast by doing thi starvation diet (with no clen ) and he has kept his weight off for 7 months now and has been to the doc. the docter told him he is perfectly healthy and doing great... but he has his heart set on using clen as well and im worried that it could cause a bad side effect using clen and not eating.

    can that cause a side effect?

  5. #5
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    bump... anyone?

  6. #6
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    starvation + clen sounds dangerous

  7. #7
    Hunter's Avatar
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    I am not real familier with clen as I am still learning, but I do know from years of wrestling that if he starves himself it will come back when he eats as other people have said and the longer he starves himself the lower his metabolism goes and the more difficult it will be to lose the weight. It sounds really dangerous and will not give him the permanent results he wants

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    This is just retarded and you know it. He wont listen so let him do what he wants. Its his health !!!

  9. #9
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    Alright i am unfortanaly an expert on starvation diets. For wrestling and then when i was in college i would let myself go, then get serous for 3 weeks and drop a pound a day(literally). He is going to lose alot of muscle. I didnt care thoguh cause i barelly had muscle anyway, except when i was wrestling. He is not going to have energy to do shit and is going to be miserable. absolutely miserbaly. I am done with starvation diets as because i know now how to diet correctly. It does work in getting extra poundage off espicially when you are on clen which i have tried before. I am not telling anybody to do this but jsut from my experiences and i will never do it again. I let myself go for the last time. I had about 20 pounds a crappy weight on me. I did a starvation diet with clen. It gets easir and easir as time goes on because your stomach shrinks and you need less food to get full. In about 3 weeks i lost 20 pounds. I didnt lift just cardio. After that i started eating right and lifting and never gound the crappy weight back. Again i do not suggest doing this but it worked for me.

  10. #10
    goosed's Avatar
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    does he not care about having any muscle??? hes definetly gonna be skinny, not ripped, skinny!! he will just look like skin and bones, he has to feed his muscles. whats the point of taking aas if you dont want muscle? muscle cant be starved unless you want to get rid of it.theres no maybe to it, he will loose muscle!

  11. #11
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    sucky sucky ur not helping lol thats gona make him want to do it DELETE UR THREAD!! hehe j/k
    goosed he doesent care about muscle yet hed rather loose fat

  12. #12
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    sucky sucky ur not helping lol thats gona make him want to do it DELETE UR THREAD!! hehe j/k
    goosed he doesent care about muscle yet hed rather loose fat
    Ya I know I jsut wanted to give my experiences.

  13. #13
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    Alright i am unfortanaly an expert on starvation diets. For wrestling and then when i was in college i would let myself go, then get serous for 3 weeks and drop a pound a day(literally). He is going to lose alot of muscle. I didnt care thoguh cause i barelly had muscle anyway, except when i was wrestling. He is not going to have energy to do shit and is going to be miserable. absolutely miserbaly. I am done with starvation diets as because i know now how to diet correctly. It does work in getting extra poundage off espicially when you are on clen which i have tried before. I am not telling anybody to do this but jsut from my experiences and i will never do it again. I let myself go for the last time. I had about 20 pounds a crappy weight on me. I did a starvation diet with clen. It gets easir and easir as time goes on because your stomach shrinks and you need less food to get full. In about 3 weeks i lost 20 pounds. I didnt lift just cardio. After that i started eating right and lifting and never gound the crappy weight back. Again i do not suggest doing this but it worked for me.
    just to be sure though you are saying that you never had any bad side affects using starvation diet and clen at the same time?

  14. #14
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    It was a little while ago. Bad side effects?ummm... Being miserably, having it consume my whole life (always thinking about eating) no strength, difficulity concentrating, irretability. Thats all from the lack of food though. I do not know how much the clen had to do with it.

  15. #15
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    It was a little while ago. Bad side effects?ummm... Being miserably, having it consume my whole life (always thinking about eating) no strength, difficulity concentrating, irretability. Thats all from the lack of food though. I do not know how much the clen had to do with it.
    ah ok i think the big thing i was worried about was clen and if it could cause bad side affects like death... thanks for the info

  16. #16
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    ah ok i think the big thing i was worried about was clen and if it could cause bad side affects like death... thanks for the info
    well clen is some serous $hit. Espicially depending on the person. There was somebody on here a couple days ago saying his freind had a heart attack from it. But as far as not eating and taking clen I dont think it will increase the likely of death or anyhting serouse like that. Maybe if doing it(starvation and clen) for an extending period of time.

  17. #17
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    A friend of mine has recently started what he calls the "Starvation Diet"... now to me i dont see the point of doing this but he has his heart set on dropping some weight real fast.

    he plans on taking clen tapered up exercising everyday, and starving himself until he gets the results he wants. IMO i think he is crazy as hell for doing this, although since "he heard" he can do this starvation diet and loose alot of weight with minimal side effects i dont think i can stop him from doing this.

    what i would like for yall to do is just post ur thoughts on this so i can get him to read it and change his mind. even though myself i have seen people do the starvation diet and have it work for them with good results i think adding clen to it will have some really bad side effects for him and i dont want him to take the clen. please post ur thoughts on this.

    By any change your friend.... YOU!! lol. but tell him no bro. thats th every worst way to go . so many ways to do this. why choose the very worst??

  18. #18
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    he would have better gains from trying to make love to a rabid polar bear

  19. #19
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    By any change your friend.... YOU!! lol. but tell him no bro. thats th every worst way to go . so many ways to do this. why choose the very worst??
    hell no im currently on a cycle of Test E myself and it would kill my workout if i did that.

  20. #20
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    bad idea the diet wont work . imo

  21. #21
    ascendant's Avatar
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    well, for starters, with starving himself, 90% minimum of what he loses will be muscle in attempts to slow down his metabolism. this will result in decreased energy levels, decreased metabolism, and loss of muscle tone. this means when he loses the weight, all he'll be is a smaller version of his flabby self. he will not be more shapely or the slightest bit more attractive. if anything, he'll look worse, because he'll have more flab to muscle tone proportionately in the end.

    another issue with starving yourself is the lack of nutrients and the effects it has on the bodies internal system. his central nervous system will go into a state of semi-shock, causing great amounts of catabolism, and peoples internal organs have actually shut down while on starvation diets because of the combo of the lack of nutrients and lack of energy to sustain them. now, putting that much stress on your nervous system and internal organs on top of adding clen to the mix is practically an attempt at suicide IMO.

    your body can't run off of it's own bodyfat alone, which utilizes the fat oxidation process. if there's no blood glucose, muscle glycogen, or any food in the intestinal tract, your body WILL NOT burn fat and will only burn muscle as an energy source as a survival response. when it starts to run too low on muscle, then you're in for some serious issues.

    as far as your other friend who did this and the doctor claims he's "healthy", doctors don't know "health" from a hole in the ground. all doctors know is how to diagnose problems and medicate them. the doctor isn't telling him about the permanent damage that guys starvation diet did to his internal organs cause his organs are still working, but i can assure you damage has been done. just as a smokers lungs still work, in an autopsy you can clearly observe the extent of damage their lungs received. he'll be doing that to his entire body.

    if your friend actually believes a starvation diet will not cause any permanent damage and rip years off his life from the strain, he's living in pure ignorance. then again, to think this is a good idea in itself shows he's severely lacking in common sense and leaps before he looks. if he wants to lose weight that bad, tell him to simply cut the fat off himself with a knife. it would be far safer than the hairbrained idea he has right now. at least with that method, he'll most likely live.

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Food is to important even when dieting,

  23. #23
    bigrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    well, for starters, with starving himself, 90% minimum of what he loses will be muscle in attempts to slow down his metabolism. this will result in decreased energy levels, decreased metabolism, and loss of muscle tone. this means when he loses the weight, all he'll be is a smaller version of his flabby self. he will not be more shapely or the slightest bit more attractive. if anything, he'll look worse, because he'll have more flab to muscle tone proportionately in the end.

    another issue with starving yourself is the lack of nutrients and the effects it has on the bodies internal system. his central nervous system will go into a state of semi-shock, causing great amounts of catabolism, and peoples internal organs have actually shut down while on starvation diets because of the combo of the lack of nutrients and lack of energy to sustain them. now, putting that much stress on your nervous system and internal organs on top of adding clen to the mix is practically an attempt at suicide IMO.

    your body can't run off of it's own bodyfat alone, which utilizes the fat oxidation process. if there's no blood glucose, muscle glycogen, or any food in the intestinal tract, your body WILL NOT burn fat and will only burn muscle as an energy source as a survival response. when it starts to run too low on muscle, then you're in for some serious issues.

    as far as your other friend who did this and the doctor claims he's "healthy", doctors don't know "health" from a hole in the ground. all doctors know is how to diagnose problems and medicate them. the doctor isn't telling him about the permanent damage that guys starvation diet did to his internal organs cause his organs are still working, but i can assure you damage has been done. just as a smokers lungs still work, in an autopsy you can clearly observe the extent of damage their lungs received. he'll be doing that to his entire body.

    if your friend actually believes a starvation diet will not cause any permanent damage and rip years off his life from the strain, he's living in pure ignorance. then again, to think this is a good idea in itself shows he's severely lacking in common sense and leaps before he looks. if he wants to lose weight that bad, tell him to simply cut the fat off himself with a knife. it would be far safer than the hairbrained idea he has right now. at least with that method, he'll most likely live.

    outstanding post.

  24. #24
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
    BigDaddy2003 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for all your post guys it really helped, i think i can get him to stop now.

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