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  1. #1
    Stefinoplex's Avatar
    Stefinoplex is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2006

    a little nill libido

    ok this is my second cycle.
    three months=
    1st month=test+deca 500mgs/each
    2nd month=test+deca+d-bol (same mgs)
    3rd month=test 750 mgs
    im already on my second week and I can already feel the deca's suppression take hold on my lidido.Iv'e read that deca shuts its users down hard and fast!!
    I was told that the testerone 's androgenic make-up would combat the shift in LH supression,but i dont FEEL thats the case! Is this true? Iv'e also come to read that d-bol is synergisticall compatible w/ deca and that is why i'm throwing it in the mix.usually on test I imbue intense voracious sexual urges.My question is :will I remain shut down till the end of my 1st or 2nd month (where I include the d-bol)?dont get me wrong Im invigorated by my now and soon to be gains but Id also like my dick to reek havok upon all that oppose once again>wb........

  2. #2
    Nelstar's Avatar
    Nelstar is offline Member
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    Jul 2003
    high doses like 750mg of test will decrease your sexdrive

  3. #3
    Geriguy's Avatar
    Geriguy is offline Member
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    Mar 2004
    Use some proviron (50mg/day) It helps a lot.
    Or Run the Test higher than Deca .

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Why did you plan to up the dose of the test for the last month? also why introduce dbol in the second month?

    ive never had problems with sex drive while on a cycle with test, are you sure its not fake

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