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  1. #1
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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    Stack Advice Needed

    I plan on starting my cycle in a few weeks and I just had a few questions and was hoping to get some feedback.

    I am 5'10" 165lbs with 9% bodyfat. I was at about 177lbs at 9% BF 16 weeks ago but then broke my wrist which took me out of the gym for a while so I lost a lot size, vasularity and strength.

    I just got the green light from my doctor and physical therapist to hit the weights like an animal again. I plan on starting my cycle in a few weeks after I get back on track with my diet/training regiment. I am looking to gain back some of the strength but more important gain back my lean muscle & vascularity.

    I plan on running:

    Weeks 1-8 Sustanon 450mg/week
    Weeks 1-8 EQ 350mg/week
    Weeks 1&2 Turanabol 40mg/ED
    Weeks 2&3 Turanabol 50mg/ED
    Weeks 4,5 & 6 Turanabol 60mg/ED
    Weeks 7,8 & 9 Clomid 100mg/ED

    I want like to run nolvadex just to be on the safe side as I am running sustanon - how many mgs a day do you suggest and when should I start/stop.

    Can I inject the sus/EQ once per week or should I do twice?

    Any other comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Have you cycles before. You can easily put that weight back on without juice. I wouldnt waste the money

  3. #3
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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    I have cycled once per year(usually presummer) for the past 5 years (excluding last year).

    I already have the gear the money is already spent...

  4. #4
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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    Just so you know - I was planning on running a cycle even before I broke my injury had no impact on my decision.

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean & Mean
    Just so you know - I was planning on running a cycle even before I broke my injury had no impact on my decision.
    so what, you are ten pounds lighter now. Its your call. You wont waste the money by waiting a few months and getting the weight back natuarlly, juice doesnt go off.

  6. #6
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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    I plan on runnig it so I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
    juiceboxxx is offline Banned
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    lol for 10 lbs? you wanna cycle? You can do that with supplments. (i.e creatine, protein, multi vitamins)

    + proper training/diet and it will take you 2 months tops.

    plus at 165lbs you dont have the frame to begin.
    Last edited by juiceboxxx; 05-05-2006 at 07:54 PM.

  9. #9
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Bro read up on the aas you plan on running and youll see your cycle does not look very good.

  10. #10
    Lean & Mean is offline New Member
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    I'm not doing a cycle because of my injury - I was going to do it anyway...I just happen to be getting over a broken wrist at the same time.

    Can anyone give me some feedback?

  11. #11
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean & Mean
    I'm not doing a cycle because of my injury - I was going to do it anyway...I just happen to be getting over a broken wrist at the same time.

    Can anyone give me some feedback?

    I gave you some advice your cycle looks like crap regardless of way you are doing it.

    For me i dont see any thing from sust run at that dose for about 6 weeks.

    EQ needs to be run at about 500 to 600 mg for at least 12 weeks to sea any results.

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean & Mean
    I'm not doing a cycle because of my injury - I was going to do it anyway...I just happen to be getting over a broken wrist at the same time.

    Can anyone give me some feedback?
    My feedback is its a waste of time !!

  13. #13
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
    juiceboxxx is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    My feedback is its a waste of time !!
    I 2nd that and a waste of time/money/increase side effects so much more etc...

    You say money isn't a problem for you, well you can spend that money on something else. Its not about money, it's about being smart and making the right decision.

    Your goal is 10 lbs, like I said it can be done in 2 months with and proper training/diet, no need for aas.

    If you want to run aas then atleast run it properly, your cycle does suck no offense.

  14. #14
    D-Money's Avatar
    D-Money is offline Associate Member
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    My vote: WAIT. Gain that size back naturally. Shoot the sustanon /eq twice a week. Run the nolva at 10mg, unless there is a problem bump it up to 40mg. I don't know much about the compound turanabol.

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