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  1. #1
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    need help with T3 and clen bros

    hey bros,i need someone that has taken clen and t3 to tell me how to do it,this is for my freind ,im good and knowledgable on gera and putting on weight but when it comes to taking it off i dont know that much ,never had to worry about it always lean ,even when i from what i researched this is what i cam eup with ,comment and add in please.

    CLEN(two on two off,eca stack on off weeks)
    1,2,,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,2 ,2,1,1/2.(4 weeks of it )
    does this look right bros?

  2. #2
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    Oct 2001
    IMO you can go higher on the clen , I would, for the first cycle start at 2 tabs but up it as you get used to the sides, it isn't something that should be necessarily set in stone if you ask me. the next two week cycle around you can either start at the same dose (2 tabs) or go higher or lower depending on how you reacted to it the first time for the t3 go to the educational threads forum and read cyc's post on it.
    Oh and you will probably be able to go to 6 or 7 tabs a day, unless you are using oxyflux then you will probably be able to work your way up to 10.

  3. #3
    emeraldsigh is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    also, i would suggest using a 1wk on 1 off with the clen .
    run the t3 straight through, working up to approximately
    75 mcg per day (3 tabs), and taper off slowly. If the
    protein intake is kept high, and cardio is not overused,
    then muscle loss should be of little concern. If necessary,
    throw a bit of test into the mix to offset the effect.
    Remember that t3 will increase the metabolism of all
    nutrients, therefore protein must be increased to allow
    sparing for muscle growth and repair

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