Ok, 2 more weeks. I am going to do it again.
Wks 1-10 Test Cyp. 400mg/wk
Wks 1-10 EQ 600mg/wk
Wks 1-4 or 5-10 Stenox (Halo) 25mg/day 1 hour before workout.
Wks 12-15 Clomid and or HCG.
I am a little nervous about the Halo. I have used it before, but really didn't care about the old liver then. Just wanted to get stronger. What do you guys suggest for helping out the liver while using Halo ? I realize I am not using a huge dose of it, but still. Do you think its better to put the Halo in the front of the cycle, to quickly build strength, and that would help the rest of the cycle ? Or throw it in on the second half of the cycle for strength, and to cut up a little ? Would raising the Cyp. to 600/mg a week be better ? or no need for it ? I have (50) nolvadex tabs, 28 arimidex tabs, and (4) 5000iu's of HCG.
Thanks -H