I just read on steroidtips site that deca has an increased labido side effect??? Now this contradicts everything I think I know about deca..am i right or are they right. I thought deca would leave you hanging if taken without test
I just read on steroidtips site that deca has an increased labido side effect??? Now this contradicts everything I think I know about deca..am i right or are they right. I thought deca would leave you hanging if taken without test
There are exceptions, though, rare. It will decrease labido. High levels of progesterone will lower ones sex drive.Originally Posted by nrobleski
So like I thought it is a bad idea to use without some sort of test supplementing
It seems to be being distributed around here to lots of folks who have no idea..they are taking deca and dbol and that is it..what could i tell them?
To take Testosterone aswell...Originally Posted by nrobleski
before joining this board, i was told and read many times that dbol/deca were a great cycle..and furthermore a great starter cycle...i still have a copy of MD at home that states this very fact...(paraphasing) the article said that if someone couldn't make great gains with this stack, you just weren't gonna gain....no mention of test at allOriginally Posted by nrobleski
Dbol/Deca is very old school cycle advice. I believe Arnold used this cycle. Yeah...Dbol will yiled gains and so will Deca, whilst 99% of the time compromising labido.Originally Posted by stitch1967
Testosterone is the main hormone used for muscle building, so why not use it. I'm not advising anyone to ALWAYS use a form of testosteorne, as thier are cycles out there that dont require it IMHO. Whilst gains can be made without it, though, the cycle would be more effective with its use.
I've only used testosterone (Test Enan) as the base of my cycles. But, I'll definitely cycle not using testosterone.
Let me clarify that I'm not advocating the cycle, just that there seems to be a lot of "misinformation" out there on it. from what i've read on this board i wouldn't take the chance it either.
the deca is from ecuador. It makes me weary because they mearly have a sticker on them saying decan durabolin the ecuador flag, nandrolone decanoate 100mg an expiry date and some pharmacia nationala type stuff. Do you think its fake??
In the anabolics 2005 book, 1 of the beginner cycles is Deca and D-bol.Originally Posted by stitch1967
ive just got steriod.coms book and they say test e is the way to go.
After doing my own research im on steriod.com side.![]()
How about sustanon instead.
A single estereed form of testosterone would be a better idea as its your first time with using AS. Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionte would be ideal IMHO. Multi-estered testosterone, Sustanon and Omna can be used, but its harder to attain stable blood plasma concentrations when using these compunds. Stick with the single estered AS, then use the others after you've had a few cycles under your belt.Originally Posted by nrobleski
Stitch and swifto....you both have valid points....Stitch you're riht it is a old school cycle and it did work well for me when I started.I gained good weight and strength.Believe it or not I met dorian yates when he competed at his first night of champions (he took second to Benaziza)I met him and and he freely spoke to me about diet,training and AAS..he said to me "if you cant grow on deca and dbol,You cant grom on anything".Now swifto is right Test is the main hormone for muscle building.Now about 11 to 12 years later test is recommended for all cycles...Especially mass building cycles.So i guess its a matter of times changing.
I've used testosterona with my last cycle with winny and dbol. Would sust be ok if i injected every 2-3 days in smaller doses to try and maintain?
Progesterone in small doses can increase libido - but once you cross the line, as most cycle's using a progestin steroid like Nandrolone or Trenbolone eventually do, you will lose sex drive... progesterone has been used on sex offenders for this purpose. And most people who made newbie mistakes of running nandrolone or trenbolone without testosterone can verify this...
I agree with swifto.do you some enan 500mgs for 10 to 12 weeks and see what happens.Wait.....what areyour stats..age weight?...experience with AAS
To maintain what? Sust can be taken 2x per week. To be more effective EOD or ED is preffered.Originally Posted by nrobleski
stable plasma concentrations
Warrior...This is my dilemna, I keep hearing yeah its "old school" but "hell its worked wonders for me", " It worked great for arnold, yates etc" Yet then you shut it down and say, "ugh dont do it"
I'm so confused, to make this story short what I seem to have gathered is that it worked for many of you, it worked for arnold, dorian etc, yet its no longer the hip thing to do because science has evolved to show that it ultimately makes sense to alwyas use test with them...Is that pretty much it?
Another thing I dont entirely understand, is that with test being the main muscle building hormone how could arnold and such get such good gains without it?
How do you know what he did for sure??....dont compare your self to anyone.Things that work for you may not work for anyone else.We know this for sure the way you're talking sounds like you're headed no where.If you're going to ask for advise take it graciously and use it.It almost sonds like you're arguing.
There is no more advice to give you. I think you need to conduct some more research before you start using any AS/ProHormones, many of your questions only require basic knowledge. You've been given advice from senoir members and senoir Mods and dont seem to be listening.
To maintain stable blood plasma concentration more frequent injections are needed. This is because some of, for example, Sustanon's mix of testosteorne are short estered, so need more fequent injections.
Use Enan or Cyp for your first cycle at 350-500mg/wk for 10-12 weeks. I prefer longer cycles, so would suggest 12 weeks. Keep Nolva on hand and use it if gyno sides arise at 40mg/ED, then down to 20mg/ED when the sides are no longer evident. For water retention, use an AI. I like Proviron 50mg/ED. Others can be used effectively, though I'd avoid Letro. Aromasin, Liquidex, Arimdex would be ideal PCT follows after the androgen is no longer active in ones body.
lets not forget.........but imangine if arlond included test is all his cycles, how much bigger he would have been......Originally Posted by nrobleski
Big max Read your post above ....
Stitch you're riht it is a old school cycle and "it did work well for me" when I started."I gained good weight and strength".Believe it or not I met dorian yates when he competed at his first night of champions (he took second to Benaziza)I met him and and he freely spoke to me about diet,training and AAS..he said to me "if you cant grow on deca and dbol,You cant grom on anything".
You are what I am talkign about...Now read it again and read what you just wrote..Then **** off
sounds like you are headed nowhere...I'm asking you're hanging out on here and bullshitting ppl
Testosterone made you the man you are today. It took you from a genderless fetus and matured you into the alpha male that dominates the gym on a regular basis. Once you start injecting your own hormones, you shut down your bodies own androgen production - you take the reigns so-to-speak... and shutting down your testosterone production for a deriative just doesn't make much sense. Your body needs some testosterone... at the minimum, take a replacement dose with all your stacked cycles.Originally Posted by nrobleski
If you want to remain conservative in your AAS use, as in less than 500mg of androgens per week... might as well just stick with testosterone - no real need to venture any further IMO. Then you could start stacking after 500mg per week to raise the anabolic effects and minimize the androgenic. For instance, instead of a gram per week of testosterone... you could opt for 600mg of testosterone with 400mg of Deca to raise the anabolic ability while minimizing androgenic... which is the goal of all the deriatives anyway... science has routinely tried to make a steroid that capitalizes on the anabolic (tissue building) effects with low androgenic affinity (all anabolic with no androgenic is an impossible outcome)...
Originally Posted by nrobleski
No need for the aggressive attitude. You've been given advice now take it or leave it.Originally Posted by nrobleski
I just thought it was interesting of him to say that.. I was being perfectly civil until this guy decided to what I consider make fun of me, just for taking his advice..he says he talked to dorian and he said if you cant gain of that you cant gain off nothing..then he tells me im going nowhere because i say that i keep hearing people are getting gains off it...Originally Posted by Bigmax
(Great Genetics + Hard Training + Good Diet) X ANY AAS = Big DudeOriginally Posted by nrobleski
who said that arnold didnt use test at all
Nandrolone decanoate is a(19 nortestosterone)Originally Posted by nrobleski
However, some people don’t know about nor understand the drawback of nortestosterone. For one thing, it can drastically lower libido. This is not surprising since other progestin based drugs are given to sex offenders to purposely lower their libidos.
''Chemical castration" for sex offenders''![]()
There is one drug that promotes more muscle-grow per mg than Test, and thats Trenbolone.Originally Posted by nrobleski
Last edited by vitor; 05-10-2006 at 02:44 PM.
That would sure suck if deca increased libido. Being horny all the time, but not able to get a hard-on would totally suck!
im running deca only right now and my sex drive is normal.. still have morning wood and all .. so i dont know what to think
How much Deca? What else is being used with it? Low progesterone levels won't hurt it - it's the higher levels that would...Originally Posted by taiboxa
Deca only?Originally Posted by taiboxa
I thought you where always cruising on Test?
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