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Thread: Carbs at Night On Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Carbs at Night On Cycle?

    I know you are supposed to eat carbs post-workout, especially while on a cycle....But, if you work out at night, should you still eat carbs with your post-workout shake? I've been staying away from carbs after like 7:00 PM ( dinner ). So now I don't know if I should or shouldn't eat them after workouts. ( 9:30 PM ). I'm trying to stay as LEAN as possible, and put on as much QUALITY muscle as I can.

    Sometimes I work out during the day, so then its not a problem, but sometimes my workout partner cannot go until the evening.

    What is your input? Thanx guys!

    Tomorrow I take my 2nd shot!!!!! YAYYYY!! I'm addicted ALREADY!

    P.S. I took my liquidex for the first time today. I took my 23gx1" syringe, and switched the pin to an 18gx1.5". Then I drew up some L-Dex, and dropped 6 drops from the pin onto a spoon. Then I licked it all up off the spoon, and followed it down w/ some water. Did I take that right?

    6 drops = .5mg , correct? It seemed like such a SMALL amount of Liquidex, like barely anything! I'm assuming because its SO concentrated, so doesn't need alot???? If I did it right, at that rate, the bottle would last like 20 cycles. I have the 4mg/ML 20 ML bottle!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dude if you are trying to bulk i was highly suggest eating carbs after 7... BUT not RIGHT before bed... before bed i would have a high protein/low carb shake, you want insulin levels high at night, but not too high otherwise the resourcefulness of the insulin changes from anabolic to fat storing hormone. too many carbs at night before bed will get stored as fat... however if you workout at 930.. you stil have the anabolic window open after the workout (when all glycogen is depleated) therefore you MUST get some carbs after the workout because the muscles need to repair and to do this they need the essential aminos and protein from the food/shake, other wise you will stay in catabolism for a while and at night you will be wasting good growing time (anabolism).
    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I always take in carbs postworkout, no matter what time it is. Sometimes I workout at 10:00p.m. and still have Dextrose mixed with some protein. Your muscle still need proper nutrition to benefit fully. You will most likely not store any of the simple sugars ingested since your metabolism is put in high gear hence you will be burning calories for hours after the workout. Take in your carbs, mabey think about getting some ALA and using that in addition to the shake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I have 500mg capsules of ALA.

    I take (1) with breakfast and (1) with lunch. Total= 1000mg/day.

    I never got a good response on the Liquidex. BUMP that.

    Also, what are some quality carbs to eat post-workout?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I am taking 3500mg a day of ala, its amazing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I am taking the 1000mg/ALA to protect Liver.

    When I start Winny, I am going to take 1000mg/ Milk Thistle too!

    I just realized since I started my cycle, how much food I am eating! WOW this gets expensive! LOL

    Especially the protien shakes!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    LTC- not sure on the Liquidex dosing...postworkout take in pure dextrose- you can buy 11lbs for $10 at supplementsdirects.

    -nevernuff- what brand ALA are you using.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    6 drops from a 18g syringe will equal roughly .5mg, so yes you did it right. I just drop it right onto my tongue instead of a spoon...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by marx
    6 drops from a 18g syringe will equal roughly .5mg, so yes you did it right. I just drop it right onto my tongue instead of a spoon...
    how did you guys figure that?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Read the thread "How to measure liquidex" in the Educational thread forum. It's a good method, figured out by Riker29 over at EF...

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