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Thread: Shoulder pain!

  1. #1

    Shoulder pain!

    I have been doing tren/prop 1.5cc in my thighs. I am doing ed so i started to do my shoulders as well. Monday a did my left shoulder and it has been sore.
    Not were I did the injection. Its sore between my shoulder and my bicep. Has anyone ever felt this? I did my right shoulder last night and it dont hurt at all. Someone told me I might have shot to low, but its sore a good 2" below were I injected it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by trin2getswole
    I have been doing tren/prop 1.5cc in my thighs. I am doing ed so i started to do my shoulders as well. Monday a did my left shoulder and it has been sore.
    Not were I did the injection. Its sore between my shoulder and my bicep. Has anyone ever felt this? I did my right shoulder last night and it dont hurt at all. Someone told me I might have shot to low, but its sore a good 2" below were I injected it.
    hm bro, u sure u went into the muscle and not into the joint?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    london england
    i always get pain in the shoulders when shooting tren or windep, but the pain is far worse with tes susp. u get used to the pain, it will get easier my friend. u will get the odd jab that dont hurt at all, but for the most part all mine have hurt, even with 27 pins. i find that too much pain in the shoulders resorted in going elsewhere for shots, lats and pecs, never had any pain there.

  4. #4
    Yea its not in the joint. Me and two of my friends are take fine and test. and we all have the same pain, below the shoulder were it meets the bicep. and it runs back toward my tricep.

    Im nerves to do it in my chest. What size needle do you use?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    What size pin did you use? Is this a virgin muscle? Prop=Pain. Location,location, location.... could be any of these

  6. #6
    25g 1". I knew it wouild be sore because it was the first time i put it in my shoulder. But I did not think it would hurt were it does. Its not even my shoulder really? O well!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Sounds like you hit the front head of the delt more than the medial, just make sure you get fairly centered and yes prop hurts, but you will prolly get used to it-if not try cutting with sterile oil. Oh BTW, 25 1" is perfect for delts/pecs/calves/quads IMO.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I have the same thing going on. I injected in my delt and it is sore about three inches lower, kinda where your arm gets boney between the delt and bicept. Not worried though.

    so what would happen if you injected in the joint?

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