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Thread: Planning 1st cycle - Opinions greatly appreciated

  1. #1

    Planning 1st cycle - Opinions greatly appreciated

    Have been a lurker here and other boards for months now, hopefully this will seem sensible, but please tell me if it does not. Planning on doing my first cycle in about 3 months time after completing a cutting cycle to get bf under 15%. Currently 225 lbs at about 18% bf. Have trained for about 4 years, lifts around 300/400/400 for 1rm.

    Cycle 8 weeks

    Week 1
    1000 mg Test Eth
    800 mg Deca
    50 mg d-bol per day

    Week 2-5
    500 mg Test Eth
    400 mg Deca
    50 mg d-bol per day

    Week 6
    500 mg Test Eth
    400 mg Deca

    Week 7-8
    500 mg Test Eth

    Clomid use throughout to decrease water-retention and gyno due to its estrogen blocking mechanism while stimulating some LH release, and after the cycle, (for 3 weeks) for promoting faster recovery of the HPTA axis.

    Oh and Nolva will be on hand in case something better than the Clomid is needed.

    Hoping to gain 25-30lbs and keep 15-20lbs.

    TIA to all who reply.
    Last edited by holly; 06-13-2002 at 03:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Those are some really high dosages. I don't think its wise to run over 2 grams of juice a week for your first cycle. Also, no need to stack three roids. You might want to get some arimidex and run it at 1mg/day if you decide to go ahead with your cycle at your dosages. Leave the clomid for post cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    hes not using 2 grams of test a week.
    500 mg a Week is fine for your first. prolly isnt really necisary to front lod though. The dbol is pretty high for a first time user as well....drop it down to about 40mg ed. Your gonna wanna run the Deca for atleast 8 weeks, i would suggest stopping it at week 6. Doesnt start to fully kick in untill around wk 4. If your worried about water retension, then i would run arimidex throughout. Not clomid, save the clomid and run it 3 weeks after your last inj of t200. 300 mg day 1/100 md 10 days/50 mg 10 days. Other than all that looks like a solid cycle...close to my first one a while back

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Hey bro, IMO that doesn't look that bad. But, since you are jump starting with dbol I wouldn't double up your test and deca the first week. With it being your first cycle I would make sure your body can handle the 500mg/400mg the first week instead of pumping that much in the first week (front-loading). Also, I would run the test/deca like you have it for ten weeks and start some winny week 8 for hardening (winny 50mgs/ed weeks 8-13). Instead of clomid throughout you might want to run the arimidex throughout. Remember nolvadex isn't effective for deca gyno either, which might make you consider taking eq in place of the deca. Either way, it appears you have done some research and are aware the dosages could be considered a little high which could lead to higher possibility of sides. It's your body and your decision, but personally I don't think the dosages are too high if you do everything right. Also, you didn't state your age, so I HAVE to assume you are old enough that you have quit growing??!!

    Good Luck bro,




  5. #5
    I like the idea of front loading and I do it in all my cycles. Get the receptors saturated...looks like you've done your homework. To keep off water retention I'd use liquidex (cheaper version of arimidex) and to prevent aromatizing estrogen. IMO clomid during a cycle should be eod, it sucks as an anti-e, but it keeps my balls from shrinking, I'm sure they shut down, they just don't shrink. Looks good to me. I think with 400g of protein and strict diet you might very well see a good 20lbs AFTER post cycle clomid. Good luck!!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by adaptations
    hes not using 2 grams of test a week.
    I never said test, I meant total amount of gear. Its way too much for a first cycle. I mean where does he go from here. He'll be doing 5 grams a week by his fifth cycle.

    My advice is to start out with small dosages. If your results are not satisfactory move up from there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I'm no expert, but damn dawg that is a lot of juice for your first cycle. I would lower the dosages to see how well you body reacts first.

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