Whats up guys, im on my 3.5 week into .75 mg e/d just fina, and I have to say its just the best juice ive ever tried. This is only my 3rd cycle, so far I have used : Sustanon, d-bol, winny, decca. and fina is just the best. My bf went from 10% to 7.5 right now and I see my 6=pack come out finally. My body is just completley ripped and Ive never in my life seen my body as hard as it is right now. I never knew this shit is soo good. Unfortunatley I didnt get enought and my cycle will be over in like 3 days, I have 40 amps of primo and 20 amps of sust. Should I jump str8 into sust 500mg week and primo 400mg week, for 10 weeks or just stick with 400mg primo for the rest of the summer? I would use sust but my body is soo defined now im scared of water retention and my 6pack going away..then again size wouldnt kill me...im 6'4 205 21yrs old. can some1 shed some light?