hey i just wanna share myh experience with Testoprim. For all that dont know what it is, its Test E 200 mg/ Prop 50 mg per 1ml. I read countless horror stories about it, but went ahead and tried it. well it is now my fifth week and i love it. At first it hurt like a Mother... (The prop im guessing) but now i really cant feel it at all. Im inj. 1ml Testoprim/ 1ml B12 every 2 days and 50 mg Proviron ED and its great. Started at 175 and im now 188 (only 5th wk) I hope this helps someone who is thinking about using this and is scared of the stories. I will keep you posted with my results. Also i plan to run clen starting w/ PCT. Should i run the clen at the end of my cycle or start right AT PCT?? Thanks guys