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  1. #1
    D TrAiN's Avatar
    D TrAiN is offline New Member
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    prop, winni, tren.. suggestions??

    I am 22 years old and I have been traing for 6 years. I have ran two previous cycles.

    Cycle 1:
    100mg prop EOD
    50mg winnie EOD weeks 110 weeks
    I got good results with that cycle. put on 14 lbs and had 9%bf.

    Cycle two:
    100mg prop ED weeks 1-2
    600mg enth weeks 2-15
    I put on 20lbs but i was not as lean. I also got some gyno that i am still in the process of getting rid of.

    I am currently 205lbs 6ft,and 15%bf. I took my body fat today and i was suprised how high (i think its lower). I want to put on lean mass and mainly lower my body fat as much as possible. Let me know how you guys think i should run it.

    Here is my gear:
    30ml of prop - british dragon
    70x50mg winni tabs - british dragon
    20ml trinabol (fast, medium, and long acting tren ) - british dragon
    thanks guys.

    -D TrAiN

  2. #2
    peump's Avatar
    peump is offline Senior Member
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    put it together yourself, then ask for a critique.

  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just as Peump said MAKE YOUR OWN CYCLE. You already made a thread about this, dont think I would forget. In fact its right here prop, winni, tren .. how would you run it?
    You asked the same question and Marcus and I both told you to make it yourself and then we will critique it. This site is not full of robots who randomly write up and spit out cycles for people, make your own and we will tell you have to perfect it, until then no one is going to help you. So now instead of bumping a thread without doing as we have asked or just creating a new thread as you have done, which is wasting more board space, why dont you MAKE UP A CYCLE like we have been telling you all along.

  4. #4
    D TrAiN's Avatar
    D TrAiN is offline New Member
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    test prop 100mg EOD weeks weeks 1-8
    tren 75mg EOD weeks weeks 3-8
    winny 50mg ED weeks 1-10

  5. #5
    peump's Avatar
    peump is offline Senior Member
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    what does your diet look like?

    i would only run winny for four weeks
    the test would be best at ED injections IMO and run throughout the 10 weeks
    i'm not sure about the multi-ester tren
    do you have anti-e's?
    do you have a pct?

  6. #6
    D TrAiN's Avatar
    D TrAiN is offline New Member
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    I have a high protien, high caolrie, low carb diet, 5-6 meals a day. I have letro, nolva and clomid. i am taking letro now to get rid of gyno that formed during my last cycle. once that clears, I am taking the nolva throughout my cycle and using the clomid for pct.
    If you were going to run the winny for 4 weeks then what doasage would you take? Thanks bro

  7. #7
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by D TrAiN
    I am 22 years old and I have been traing for 6 years. I have ran two previous cycles.

    Cycle 1:
    100mg prop EOD
    50mg winnie EOD weeks 110 weeks
    I got good results with that cycle. put on 14 lbs and had 9%bf.

    Cycle two:
    100mg prop ED weeks 1-2
    600mg enth weeks 2-15
    I put on 20lbs but i was not as lean. I also got some gyno that i am still in the process of getting rid of.

    I am currently 205lbs 6ft,and 15%bf. I took my body fat today and i was suprised how high (i think its lower). I want to put on lean mass and mainly lower my body fat as much as possible. Let me know how you guys think i should run it.

    Here is my gear:
    30ml of prop - british dragon
    70x50mg winni tabs - british dragon
    20ml trinabol (fast, medium, and long acting tren ) - british dragon
    thanks guys.

    -D TrAiN

    if you got mild gyno then id suggest staying away from tren. but if you are gonna run it regardless than id say you should get yourself some letro and run it at about 1 mg ed. tren is probably the worst steroid to take as far as estrogenic sides go. however, ive heard that winni will help prevent this too, so imo its ideal to stack winni with tren

  8. #8
    D TrAiN's Avatar
    D TrAiN is offline New Member
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    well i do have enough letro to run it throughout my cycle. Do you think i should take the letro now untill my current gyno clears and then continue taking it till i am done with the tren ? or should i switch to nolva during my cycle? I did not experience any gyno when i ran test with winny during my first cycle so i didnt not think i needed anti e's during my last one. a bad decision. So i would not really consider myself to be someone who is gets gyno easily, i just was not taking anti e's. thanks

  9. #9
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D TrAiN
    test prop 100mg EOD weeks weeks 1-8
    tren 75mg EOD weeks weeks 3-8
    winny 50mg ED weeks 1-10
    I wouldn't run the Winny for 10 weeks, you're gonna shrivel your liver. Go for 6weeks with the winny, 8 weeks max (wouldn't recommend 8 weeks though). And why not run the tren for the whole 10 weeks w/ the test?

  10. #10
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    tren is the worst drug for estro-side effects???? i don't think so

  11. #11
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    i'm fixin to run pretty much the same cycle(kind of). i'm probably gonna run 100mg prop eod for the whole summer, but when i do my show i'll probably run 75mg tren eod for like 6 weeks, and 50mg ed winstrol for like 4-6 weeks, .25mg arimidex or 20-30mg nolva ed, i'll increase the arimidex as i get closer to the show. i might run more tren but as long as you have a test derivative=prop., 19-nor derivative=tren, and dht derivative=winstrol, you're gonna have good results.

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