I'm short, most people in my family are. I weigh in at 178 and I'm around 5 foot seven. My brother is the same heighth, but weighs in at about 161-162. He's 24. Trained forever, both of us are very very serious about lifting and have been for the past 6 years. Ive got about 6 solid cycles under my belt. Ive come a long way as well. My metabolism is extremely fast and I started out at 140, went all the way up to about 190, but most of it was bloat, and I wasnt happy with my bf level. So I'm sittin lean right now. Anyone else have an opinion?
He's gone through a ton of fina before, and busted his ass to get where he is, he started at around 135. Well, he's done some winny, eq, and fina, all with good results, and did a little omadren once, but that was a long time ago. I see all these posts recommending 500mgs/week of test, but I'm not so sure for him. Opinions? Also, if He did just go with 250mgs/week, should he just shoot it once a week? I mean, is it necessary to split up a single ml dose? This is enanthate I'm talking about also.