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Thread: Top Notch Site

  1. #1
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
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    Top Notch Site

    Hey people...there are plenty of great people on other sites but this is by far one of the best Forums I have come across for well placed quality of information.
    Who knows, many of you are probly regulars at the other boards as well.

    I am about to do my first cycle of Test E

    250mg for weeks 1-4
    500mgs for weeks 5-12
    5 mg of Nolva weeks 1-14
    After 14 weeks
    40mg of Nolva for 5 days
    20mg of Nolva for 5 days
    10mg of Nolva for 5 days
    5mg of Nolva for 5 days

    P.S. if I had a bottle of 30ml of Clomid, how would you suggest I use this in stead of or along side the Nolva in PCT.

    One last thing, whats your opinion on using a 25 gauge 1 inch pin for Test E.
    It seems that 23 guage is standard, but can you get away with a 25 guage 1 inch for quad and cheek shots.


    Last edited by Moe-mentum; 05-14-2006 at 10:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks good to me. I would rethink the Nolva. You may need a little more
    depending on your estrogen levels. Don't wait for gyno. Get blood work
    after first month.

  3. #3
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Thanks Ufa.
    More Nolva?

    Where in the cycle would you increase it?
    Would you decrease it any where else if I was able to use 30ml of clomid in place of some of the Nolva treament?

    Heres the thing, I have 2 bottles of Nolva at 30 ml
    and 1 bottle of Clomid at 30ml
    Just trying to make the best with what I have.
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Ufa's Avatar
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    I use 1mg of Arimidex ED. My estrogen levels are high. Most use .5 ed. It depends on how much estro is in your blood. IF the levels are over 130 , bad.
    Mine were 260. I used .5 and lowered it by 100 pts. It also increased my test
    by 300+ pts. Problems will show up in blood before on your chest. It's also
    good to check out the rest of your blood. It helps me relax when I know that
    levels are in check. I'v heard good things about Nolva but never used it.

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    if you give us your stats, we can help you better. Why do you want to jump the Test e from 250 to 500? no real need to pyrimid it like that IMO

  6. #6
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Thanks again Ufa.

    Actually, the jump to 500mg is only if I do not experience anything from 250mg.
    I would actually prefer to be able to get away with only 250mg a week for the whole cycle, I'll just have to see how I react.

    at least 12%-14% bf

    Goal is to put on lean mass with minimal bloat and side effects along the way.
    I will be putting extra focus into cardio and diet.

    Plus, I really want to know what it feels like.
    Being in the gym for over 15 years, at age 31 I feel I am ready to try it out.
    Very selfish reasons
    I cant frickin wait.
    Dam near giglin like a little girl.

    I figure this probly wont be my last cycle, as I may very well use gear on and off until the age of 36 depending of course on how my first cycle goes.
    Thanks Sman


  7. #7
    twitchfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I use 1mg of Arimidex ED. My estrogen levels are high. Most use .5 ed. It depends on how much estro is in your blood. IF the levels are over 130 , bad.
    Mine were 260. I used .5 and lowered it by 100 pts. It also increased my test
    by 300+ pts. Problems will show up in blood before on your chest. It's also
    good to check out the rest of your blood. It helps me relax when I know that
    levels are in check. I'v heard good things about Nolva but never used it.

    I'm interested in getting some tests on my bloodwork too. what is the name or what kind of blood test is the doc putting you through? when i get blood tests my doc doesn't tell me my estrogen and testostrone levels, but I would like to know.......anyone know the name of the test???

  8. #8
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Yep, just ask your doc for the "reach around" or the "Banana Float"
    He'll know what ya mean
    But seriously...good question.

  9. #9
    IronAdam's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    if you give us your stats, we can help you better. Why do you want to jump the Test e from 250 to 500? no real need to pyrimid it like that IMO
    agreed...its only leading to unstable blood levels

  11. #11
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    wks 1-12 250mg e3.5d test c or e
    wks 14-15 40mg ED nolva
    wks 15-17 20mg ED nolva

    this is a perfect 1st cycle, maybe add adex ED, for bloat.

  12. #12
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Thanks Pmorris, how would you use 30ml of Clomid if you had it?
    30ml= 600mg

    I have 30 ml (600mg)of Clomid

  13. #13
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    well take 2ml ED, during pct alongside with the nolva. Its up to you man. Personally i wouldnt use clomid. Nolva is just fine.
    Last edited by pmorris; 05-15-2006 at 12:19 AM.

  14. #14
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moe-mentum
    Thanks again Ufa.

    Actually, the jump to 500mg is only if I do not experience anything from 250mg.
    I would actually prefer to be able to get away with only 250mg a week for the whole cycle, I'll just have to see how I react.

    at least 12%-14% bf

    Goal is to put on lean mass with minimal bloat and side effects along the way.
    I will be putting extra focus into cardio and diet.

    Plus, I really want to know what it feels like.
    Being in the gym for over 15 years, at age 31 I feel I am ready to try it out.
    Very selfish reasons
    I cant frickin wait.
    Dam near giglin like a little girl.

    I figure this probly wont be my last cycle, as I may very well use gear on and off until the age of 36 depending of course on how my first cycle goes.
    Thanks Sman

    Why until the age of 36? Damn, that makes me feel old. I'm 37 in a few months. I think I will always cycle (correct amounts with proper PCT) for the rest of my life? AAS, GH, etc makes people healthier with the correct diet and training. It's a lifestyle.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 05-15-2006 at 12:21 AM.

  15. #15
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Yes exactly.
    Something like this.

    You dont think Clomid is neccessary?

    Ok, thanks.

  16. #16
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    I hear ya Seattle, pic.
    31 right now.
    I just know that at 36 I am going to be in a different place.
    Settled down with a good woman,etc.
    Hard to say.
    Things may change by then.
    We'll have to see, it is a journey not a destination.....and that's....
    One to grow on!

    Ok, Seattle, whats your opinion on PCT with Clomid and Nolva as an option?

  17. #17
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moe-mentum
    I hear ya Seattle, pic.
    31 right now.
    I just know that at 36 I am going to be in a different place.
    Settled down with a good woman,etc.
    Hard to say.
    Things may change by then.
    We'll have to see, it is a journey not a destination.....and that's....
    One to grow on!

    Ok, Seattle, whats your opinion on PCT with Clomid and Nolva as an option?
    Clomid and nolva works great for me. You can also add in tongkat ali as well.

  18. #18
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmorris
    wks 1-12 250mg e3.5d test c or e
    wks 14-15 40mg ED nolva
    wks 15-17 20mg ED nolva

    this is a perfect 1st cycle, maybe add adex ED, for bloat.
    it would be a little farther into week 14 if it was test c...more towards 15 for pct...

  19. #19
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    I would start with 500mg test. not much gains to expect from 250, so 2x250 ew is OK.
    For protection I would also order some letro, just to keep you safe from bitchtits

    And add in some Clomid for PCT, and some HCG to get your balls working again!

  20. #20
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    I would start with 500mg test. not much gains to expect from 250, so 2x250 ew is OK.
    For protection I would also order some letro, just to keep you safe from bitchtits

    And add in some Clomid for PCT, and some HCG to get your balls working again!
    hmm...this is very vague...500mg of say 10-20mg of nolva/ed will be fine for estrogen suppression..maybe ldex or proviron as well "i would start with 500mg test" that is a very vague statement...a long ester test is prefered because 2x 250/ew is not acceptable for suspension,prop,or sust and to say that a first timer cant make much gains from 250 mg/ew is crazy...i know plenty of first timers gaining a substantial amount of weight using under 500mg/eq and "add in some clomid for pct and some hcg " hmmm this is vague as well clomid 100mg/ed for 30 days alongside 20mg nolva /ed hcg can be run differently for everyone ive never heard of anyone using it for a cycle under 12 weeks (oh yeah you forgot to mention the duration of the cycle) im not saying nobody does it but i dont see it absolutely necessary unless youre experiencing bad atrophy of your nutssss

    sorry to pick apart your post i hope this is clear now have a GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT DAYYYYYYY

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