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Thread: Let's get ready to rumble -

  1. #1
    G-S Guest

    Thumbs up Let's get ready to rumble -

    The countdown is on. 21 days to go - Here it is fellas, tell me what ya think.

    Weeks 1-10 T250 (QV Enan) @ 600mg per week
    Weeks 1-4 DBOL @ 40mgs per day
    Weeks 5-12 FINA @ 75mg per day
    Arimidex @ .25mg per day
    Nolvadex on hand
    Clomid starting week 13.

    I already eat like a horse, so that's no problem.

  2. #2
    G-S Guest
    Oops. Before someone asks - 6' 225lbs. 2nd cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Looks good to me bro, nice cycle. The only thing i would recommend is bumping the arimidex to .5mg ED, but that's JMO, i like to run a higher dose of arimidex than most recommend. Good luck...

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Thanks for the input, but I'll keep it where it is. Also, I'll be adding in 400mg of EQ per week.

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