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  1. #1
    malone65 is offline New Member
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    Question sustanon or test E

    which one is better sustanon or test E it is my first cycle which would u do

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    If it is your first cycle , I would definetly go with Test E. Sust has four different esters and gives more sides. With a single ester compound, you will be able to see exactly how your body is going to react to one ester before adding other compounds.

    Give us your stats and goals, and show us the cycle you want to do adn we can help tweek it for you. Include PCT plan as well

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    If it is your first cycle , I would definetly go with Test E. Sust has four different esters and gives more sides. With a single ester compound, you will be able to see exactly how your body is going to react to one ester before adding other compounds.

    Give us your stats and goals, and show us the cycle you want to do adn we can help tweek it for you. Include PCT plan as well
    Good advice.

    A single estered testosterone would be more suited.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    sust is for HRT and thats about all its good for IMO

  5. #5
    test=magic's Avatar
    test=magic is offline Associate Member
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    kick start with sust for 2 weeks eod then just test e fro next 10 weeks

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by test=magic
    kick start with sust for 2 weeks eod then just test e fro next 10 weeks
    WHOA WHOA WHOA big fella. Who the Hell told you that LIE??? there is only 30mg of PROP in SUST, which is the fastest ester, why would you use SUST for that?
    Sorry, he would be better off using straight Prop or even Suspension for that.

    He also said FIRST CYCLE, we don't recomend multi esters for FIRST CYCLES

  8. #8
    test=magic's Avatar
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    sorry didn't see that ....and someone here told me once

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by test=magic
    sorry didn't see that ....and someone here told me once

    No prob bro, just be careful cause newbies will listen to anyone sometime!

    Always better to go with one ester for a first time so you know how your body will react to it . with multi esters or compounds, on a first time, you can't tell what is working and what is giving you bad sides

  10. #10
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    i did sus for my first second and third cycles and now wish they never invented the shit. i really dont see what the hell its good for now that i have a clue. definitely do the test e, but realize i have never taken that so i really cant say too much except **** the sus.

  11. #11
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    sustanon or test E

    Quote Originally Posted by test=magic
    sorry didn't see that ....and someone here told me once
    gotta watch who says things on here test,we have one moron right now who just talking straight outta his A$$(mikemikemike)

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    gotta watch who says things on here test,we have one moron right now who just talking straight outta his A$$(mikemikemike)

    HEY !!! I resent being called a moron!!....Oh you meant the other moron.....OK....LOLOLOLOL

  13. #13
    $Lim$h@dy's Avatar
    $Lim$h@dy is offline New Member
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    I agree with everyone else here....definitely go with the Test E. I am using Sus for my first cycle, but it was my second choice after trying for months to
    find Test E. And if you do decide on Sus, it won't kick in for about 6-8 weeks....which of course makes taking it as a "kick start" rediculous. I don't wanna give bad advice like others have been doing lately...It is definitely better to run only test for your first cycle. But if you do want something to kick start the cycle, Dbol worked great for me.

  14. #14
    eljugo16's Avatar
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    forget the kick start bro just to Test E for 10-12 weeks straight up with a decent pct like clomids and you good to go. with a good diet and good training regime you will see great results.
    Good Luck

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    WHOA WHOA WHOA big fella. Who the Hell told you that LIE??? there is only 30mg of PROP in SUST, which is the fastest ester, why would you use SUST for that?
    Sorry, he would be better off using straight Prop or even Suspension for that.

    He also said FIRST CYCLE, we don't recomend multi esters for FIRST CYCLES
    And just on a side note. I did that for my first cycle because I was told to before I found this board and it completely screwed my cycle up.

  16. #16
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
    juiceboxxx is offline Banned
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    stick to Test E 500mgs/week for 12 weeks = 1st cycle + proper pct.

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