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Thread: Is the size of a tab a good indication of mg???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Question Is the size of a tab a good indication of mg???

    I've recently received anadrol 50 tabs made by I.P. and they are the same size of my 5mg thai Dbol tabs. Does this sound right? I put in 3 pics in the steroid picture section. Could those of you who are knowledgeable about anadrol take a look and let me know.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool In a word, nope.

    As a general rule, there is no relationship between the size of a pill and the strength of the prticular medication. Put two pills of equal size next to each other, and the first may be 1 mg. of "A," and the second may be 1,000 mg. of "Y." Each type of drug has its own unit of measurement; in fact some pills are measured in mcg. rather than mg., and some are measured in grams or grains instead of mg. IN some cases, even the same size pills may represent different strengths of the same drug - Valium is an example: the strength is determined by the color of the pill rather than its size.

    Unlike sex (yes, I jest), this is one area in which size is truly irrelevant.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thats what I thought but wanted to make sure, thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    all his tabs are the same size anyways.....they are tiny

  5. #5
    Has nothing to do with size. Filler(inactive ingredients) are used in many pills making them the same size, but different strengths(less filler more main ingredient) Like TNT said, distinguished only by color many times.

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