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Thread: clen cycle

  1. #1
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    clen cycle

    Most people seem to agree on a two week on/off plan. It makes sense according to a post in the educational forum.

    "Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after around 8 weeks when
    body temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic /anti-catabolic properties
    fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into
    consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
    for no more than 12 weeks."

    My question is what if I took clen for two weeks and then after I get my tolerence just ramp up my dose for anoyther two weeks in order to have a full month clen cycle.

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by minihulkwestcoast
    Most people seem to agree on a two week on/off plan. It makes sense according to a post in the educational forum.

    "Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after around 8 weeks when
    body temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic /anti-catabolic properties
    fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into
    consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
    for no more than 12 weeks."

    My question is what if I took clen for two weeks and then after I get my tolerence just ramp up my dose for anoyther two weeks in order to have a full month clen cycle.
    Its not so much a tolerance issue, it is that the receptors get burnt out after two weeks and wont upregulate , so uping the dose will just be wasting good clen. Some go straight through 8 weeks by using a dose of Benadryl each night on the third week and the sixth week.

    some use this method, some don't each person is different with how they react to clen. you can experiment with either way to see how your body reacts. but uping the dose will do nothing if the receptors are already shot

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    peump's Avatar
    peump is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Some go straight through 8 weeks by using a dose of Benadryl each night on the third week and the sixth week.
    this is close to what i would do^^^^ .
    i like to incorporate the benadryl for a full week every two weeks.

    check out this link
    Anabolic Review Profile: Clenbuterol

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