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  1. #1
    trisdog's Avatar
    trisdog is offline Associate Member
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    Tren + Kidney pains??

    Hey guys, I am only testE 750/week and tren ED @ 50mgs ... I am on my 3rd week of tren.. I am starting to feel little pains in my kidney area.. only on my right side .. is this becuase the tren? should i stop the tren? Or is there something i can take to help out my kidney? Am I not drinking enough water? ... the past 4-5 days I will admit I haven't been intaking as much water as I usually do.

    any help is appreciated! thanks

    is this normal when on tren ? Or can it be that i am intaking too much protein powder and not enough water?

  2. #2
    skr0w's Avatar
    skr0w is offline Associate Member
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    Dude up your water intake at least one and a half gallons. And then re-evaulate then maybe some cranberry extract will help also. Good Luck

  3. #3
    trisdog's Avatar
    trisdog is offline Associate Member
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    ok cool i will definately do that... It's been like this for a few days... should i worry ? i mean the pain isnt bad.. but its really annoying sometimes.. so should i just up my water intake for the next couple of days and see if it gets better

  4. #4
    trisdog's Avatar
    trisdog is offline Associate Member
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    anyone else with this experience??

  5. #5
    daveywave is offline Junior Member
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    ha get with the program... I only managed 6 weeks of tren eod at 125mg before I couldn't take a walking step with my kidneys ready to blow, by the time that came it was too late to resolve, but the pain did reside entirely a week after I stopped. waited 2 months had kidney and liver functions tested with full bloodwork and everything was fine....

    but I will say this once I started to feel the kidneys sore... felt like a strained back at first... but within 5 days that was it. the pain was unbearable.... what I am saying it may be too late to resolve, appropriately I would reduce the tren and up the water until the pain starts to subside or at least stable out.

    I'm actually on week 4 of tren currently (i really love this stuff ) but playing it safe with ED injections at 50mg, I'm pretty sure those high EOD dosages sped the kidney pain up a bit... particularly I literally felt more pain the morning after I shot as opposed the second day... the drug really feels moreover a 24 hour halflife as opposed to 48

    anyway my 2 cents... and fyi my water intake now is up there

  6. #6
    trisdog's Avatar
    trisdog is offline Associate Member
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    well the pain is not that bad at all... and its not like all day pain it goes on and off.. im only taking 50mg ED of tren ... I'm gonna stick it out for a few days and drink a lot of water and see if that helps

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    tren is tough of on the kineys especialy with a higher protein diet.get your blood values tested and see if your kidney values are elevated. if so, you may want to back off the tren. tren is a harsh compound IMO,great results, but the side effects aren't worth it. i retired trenbecause of all the problems i had with it. i had blood work 3 months after i got off a cycle and my kdney values where elevated through the roof. remember you only get 2 kidneys for life,dont ruin them.

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