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  1. #1
    stee is offline Member
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    Feb 2006

    prop + tren once a week cycle

    I posted a few weeks ago about 2 month and 3 month cycles being old school stuff from the 70's and the new age cylcle is 6 months long.

    Well the guy i heard suggesting this has sotred my mate out with some gear today, i asked what the score is and he said that he gave him a jab of what i made out to be Prop and Tren .
    i dont know how much becasue my mate didnt know himself.
    he told me hes to have it once a week. i asked for how long he is not sure.

    I have used prop a few times and have never heard of anyone taking it once a week, to me the idea just sounds crazy.
    as to the tren im not sure about because i aint ever used it.

    whats your take on it, should he be using them once a week? if you think os how long would you reckon he take it for.

    i know this is a long explanation but im a little lost as to where this guy is getting his ideas from. maybe i havent a clue and dont know as much about gear as i thought i did or as the guy put it maybe im just "Old school"

    your thoughts will be welcome


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    ummmm WTF. That makes no cents. perhaps a long ester but not prop, and def not tren . Unless its tren E.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    wow once a week is about as effective as sticking ur dick in a blender.

    one of the most idiotic ideas i have ever seen in a long time and is definetly up there w/ people trying to stick a needle through an amp.

    just dont letsomeone stick unkown shit in u LOL u don even know the ester on the tren ... i don teven know if god could help you on this one

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    and God said let there be light! and tai was born.....................with a war punish those who act stupid..................
    ...........................and probably shouldn't do steroids .!

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    wow once a week is about as effective as sticking ur dick in a blender.

    one of the most idiotic ideas i have ever seen in a long time and is definetly up there w/ people trying to stick a needle through an amp.

    just dont letsomeone stick unkown shit in u LOL u don even know the ester on the tren ... i don teven know if god could help you on this one
    Couldnt agree more.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    and God said let there be light! and tai was born.....................with a war punish those who act stupid..................
    ...........................and probably shouldn't do steroids.!
    battle axe!

  7. #7
    stee is offline Member
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    see, i canot dissagree with you.

    the problem is the guy giving the advise is a juicer with about 25+years experiance. not that that means anything.
    like i said i aint ever shot tren , but prop i only ever used it eod.
    i have told my concerns to my mate but i feel its falling on deaf ears.
    well thanks for your two cents. i just wanted to make sure that i wasnt dreaming or somthing

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    see, i canot dissagree with you.

    the problem is the guy giving the advise is a juicer with about 25+years experiance. not that that means anything.
    like i said i aint ever shot tren , but prop i only ever used it eod.
    i have told my concerns to my mate but i feel its falling on deaf ears.
    well thanks for your two cents. i just wanted to make sure that i wasnt dreaming or somthing
    he is dumb.. research for your self so u kan make the wiser of decisions

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    see, i canot dissagree with you.

    the problem is the guy giving the advise is a juicer with about 25+years experiance. not that that means anything.
    like i said i aint ever shot tren , but prop i only ever used it eod.
    i have told my concerns to my mate but i feel its falling on deaf ears.
    well thanks for your two cents. i just wanted to make sure that i wasnt dreaming or somthing
    Thers is a big bloke in my gym whos been bodybuilding for 15+ years and gives advice to new users. He says, you connot mix water based AS (Winstrol ) with oil based AS (Test Prop). Also you cannot mix HCG with water based AS. Suggests running HGH for 6 weeks. Suggests EQ for 4 weeks and Tren for a first cycle. Also says HCG should be used at 5000ius/ED to "shock" the testes.

    Absolute idiot....

    Explain to your idiot of a friend that Test Prop and Tren have short estered and need to be injected ED or EOD to attain stable blood plasma concentrations. This way the cycle will b more effective and sides will be minimized. There is simply no point in running a short ester 1x per week. Long acting esters, yes. As they will stay active for many days/weeks.

    Think about it. You inject Test Prop on Monday. Its active for 3 days. Mon/Tues/Wed. Thursday its no longer active and your HPTA is already been inhibited. Your body is then trying to restore your inhibited HPTA Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun and there is no active AS in your system. No increase in gains/strength protein synthesis etc...Then you inject again on Monday. Blood plasma levels increase again, then decrease. Sides become evident etc...There is no theory behind it, just idiocy.


  10. #10
    stee is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Thers is a big bloke in my gym whos been bodybuilding for 15+ years and gives advice to new users. He says, you connot mix water based AS (Winstrol ) with oil based AS (Test Prop). Also you cannot mix HCG with water based AS. Suggests running HGH for 6 weeks. Suggests EQ for 4 weeks and Tren for a first cycle. Also says HCG should be used at 5000ius/ED to "shock" the testes.

    Absolute idiot....

    Explain to your idiot of a friend that Test Prop and Tren have short estered and need to be injected ED or EOD to attain stable blood plasma concentrations. This way the cycle will b more effective and sides will be minimized. There is simply no point in running a short ester 1x per week. Long acting esters, yes. As they will stay active for many days/weeks.

    Think about it. You inject Test Prop on Monday. Its active for 3 days. Mon/Tues/Wed. Thursday its no longer active and your HPTA is already been inhibited. Your body is then trying to restore your inhibited HPTA Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun and there is no active AS in your system. No increase in gains/strength protein synthesis etc...Then you inject again on Monday. Blood plasma levels increase again, then decrease. Sides become evident etc...There is no theory behind it, just idiocy.

    I agree totally.

    i will have to find out more of what hes doing as a cycle becasue he dont know himslef which cant be a good sign.

    i did advise him to run the good old dbol sus deca for his first course, when hes ready to take it to the next level.
    but im affraid hes been led up the garden path with this fvcking maniac.

    there are loads fo young guys who are nowhere near doing gear going in for a 30mins chat and 10 min work out a day and getting juiced off him in his back room.
    to be honest i prefere doing my own research and keeping an open mind. not to mention i have been putting it in myself for 3 years so there is no chance of that idiot gettting anywhere near me. i just go there for the equiptment.

    thanks for your opinions. ill take it on board, but im affraid my mate is again being influenced by some no nothing know it all.

    who of all of you would let a guy you have just met put something in your ass that you have never heard of?

  11. #11
    joshr is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2006
    listen to these guys they know what they are talking about

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