Im on eq and test e, both @ 500mg/ew.
Can add tren acetate? Read something about it will not go well with eq because both act on the androgen reseptors..?
Was thinking about maybe 75mg EOD for four weeks.
Im on eq and test e, both @ 500mg/ew.
Can add tren acetate? Read something about it will not go well with eq because both act on the androgen reseptors..?
Was thinking about maybe 75mg EOD for four weeks.
Yeah, If you have done a few cycles before and you are comfortable with it 75/day added to that would work nice. I know this from experience i ran tren 75/day, eq 600/wk and test 700/wk and had great results.
I am about to do a simmilar cycle...
Run the tren ED at 50mg ED but yes that would be a very good cycle
it can be done
Originally Posted by ace ventura
equi is way more anabolic than androgenic
50mg/ed sounds allright.
This is my second cycle only. I know its not recomended to run tren this early but Im really scared of acne and I dont know if I would dare to run tren later since Im on accutane now and dont want to mess up the good effect from it later.
So Im thinking about doing one serious cycle now and go with milder steroids in the future. What do you think?
Dont know how smart it would be running all this with accutane though.. Would it be worse than 50mg of turinabol last four five weeks?
Thanks for all comments.
You are correct!Originally Posted by ace ventura
Tren an Eq will both bind and compete for the AR-recepter, and have little to no actions at the non-AR meditaded mechanism of muscle grow. You can use them together, but its not really the best combination, IMHO.
It would provide better "synergi" to stack the Test/Tren with a drug thats is effective at the non-AR meditaded. Winstrol, Halo, D-bol, Drol are all effctive here.
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