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Thread: 250 mg /weekly of enanthate if this enough

  1. #1

    250 mg /weekly of enanthate if this enough

    i take 250 mg/weekly of enanthate am in day 21 ,i take just 5 pounds and i think is good because i have some effect but not like i expected,i want to known if someone did like me and can you said to me how much long you did it and what is your final result.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    i take 250 mg/weekly of enanthate am in day 21 ,i take just 5 pounds and i think is good because i have some effect but not like i expected,i want to known if someone did like me and can you said to me how much long you did it and what is your final result.
    ok, if i understood you correctly you are saying: you are on 250 mg/week Test E, and you are in the 3rd week, and you put on 5 lbs only which you are not impressed by, and you want to know if anyone else here had a similar experience, right? if so, here is my answer: what are your states(age, hights, weight, cycles experience,....etc)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!

  4. #4
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    How about.. i dunno.. you try to answer the question instead of just referring everyone to that thread?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    i take 250 mg/weekly of enanthate am in day 21 ,i take just 5 pounds and i think is good because i have some effect but not like i expected,i want to known if someone did like me and can you said to me how much long you did it and what is your final result.
    You've gained 5 lbs on a low dose of enanthate.

    How much did you expect to gain honestly?

    You're on week 3.. the Test is now kicking in.. 5 lbs is good gains considering.

    250 mg/week is on the low side.

    I've done it...didn't expect anything spectacular from it.. didn't get anything spectacular.

    Have you cycled before?

  6. #6
    I was on 500 for 12 weeks and prop 700 for 2 weeks following and gained 37lbs. kept 15 lbs. could be water weight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    How about.. i dunno.. you try to answer the question instead of just referring everyone to that thread?
    Damnn, sorry Nark.....You got it. I won't use that thread again!!! NO prob

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Damnn, sorry Nark.....You got it. I won't use that thread again!!! NO prob
    Ease up.

    It's not the thread..

    It's that the thread is not the universal answer to questions posted.

    Try answering questions.. you might like it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Ease up.

    It's not the thread..

    It's that the thread is not the universal answer to questions posted.

    Try answering questions.. you might like it.

    Well, no offense Nark, but if you read my threads, you will see I answer a hell of a lot when I can, and I am just trying to get the stats before I answer some 18 year olds questions. Funny, I thought that was a good thing. Hard not to take that comment the way you typed it personal bro!!

  10. #10
    ok excuse me if you have difficulty to understand what i want to said but i speak french an little bit english...but for my history i have 30 year old 215 pound 15%fat and is my second cycle .did someone think if can take 4 week before the test kicking me.....because i think i take 5 pound because i eat very much and when i make my training i have a great pump but not like the first cycle when i take winny and proprionate,maybe is the fact is most longer for the enanthate to start because i think is good because it came at same the place of my first cycle....or 250 weekly is not enough .....

  11. #11
    I did low dose of test and had good results, you can always go up.
    I beleive that low dose is easier to recover and less sides, right?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Well, no offense Nark, but if you read my threads, you will see I answer a hell of a lot when I can, and I am just trying to get the stats before I answer some 18 year olds questions. Funny, I thought that was a good thing. Hard not to take that comment the way you typed it personal bro!!
    .. take it as you will sir.

    At a later date maybe you'll re-read it and realise what i said at face value.. rather than what you perceived as my intent

    Rather than further hi-jack this dude's thread.. i'll return to the original poster's questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    i take 250 mg/weekly of enanthate am in day 21 ,i take just 5 pounds and i think is good because i have some effect but not like i expected,i want to known if someone did like me and can you said to me how much long you did it and what is your final result.
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You've gained 5 lbs on a low dose of enanthate.

    How much did you expect to gain honestly?

    You're on week 3.. the Test is now kicking in.. 5 lbs is good gains considering.

    250 mg/week is on the low side.

    I've done it...didn't expect anything spectacular from it.. didn't get anything spectacular.

    Have you cycled before?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    depending on the individual, Test E can take up to 6-8 weeks to kick in. 250mgs/week is considered a low dose, BUT that is fine if you are seeing results. You may not see as many results as you would with 500/wk, but like tvd220 said, you may not have as many sides effects also

    Hope this helps

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    ok excuse me if you have difficulty to understand what i want to said but i speak french an little bit english...
    No prob sir... Welcome to the board.

    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    but for my history i have 30 year old 215 pound 15%fat and is my second cycle .did someone think if can take 4 week before the test kicking me.....
    Are you asking if we think your 'lack of gains' is due to this being a long-acting substance.. which hasn't kicked in yet?


    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    because i think i take 5 pound because i eat very much and when i make my training i have a great pump but not like the first cycle when i take winny and proprionate,maybe is the fact is most longer for the enanthate to start

    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    or 250 weekly is not enough .....
    That too is possible.. What was the dosages of your first cycle?

    How long was it?

    How much did you gain?

    My advice?

    Since you know the Enanthate is real.. then wait.

    It'll kick in soon.

    Personally i would run 500 mg instead of 250 mg... but that is your personal choice

    I don't the side effects are drastically increased between 250 mg and 500 mg.


  15. #15
    ok but my problem is i have only a 10 cc of enanthate,but i have a 10 cc of cypio and 15 cc of prop did someone think i can take 300 mg prop weekly right now with my rest of enanthate and i have 30 cc of winny i will begin next week 75mg/day for 6 week did you think is a good idea....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Yes, you can add in Prop to help kick start the test. I am using prop as a kick for my cycle at 125mgs/EOD You should feel it kick in about a week

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    ok but my problem is i have only a 10 cc of enanthate,but i have a 10 cc of cypio
    There is very little difference between cyp and Enanthate.. you could simply run the two together...shooting 250 mg of each per week.

    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    and 15 cc of prop did someone think i can take 300 mg prop weekly right now with my rest of enanthate
    You don't need to.. as the enanthate should kick in soon

    You can if you want to however.

    Quote Originally Posted by eric952
    and i have 30 cc of winny i will begin next week 75mg/day for 6 week did you think is a good idea....
    It isn't a 'bad' idea.. but could've been timed better.

    You should've started the winny during week one.

    It would've given you a lil kick from the beginning... and you would've seen some gains in lean mass in my opinion.

    75 mg ED is a decent dosage... What did you use on your previous cycle?

    6 weeks is a pretty decent time frame also.

    I've run it for up to 8 weeks thus far.. no problems.

    What would influence your choice in length would be if you experience any side effects with winny on your previous cycle.

    If yes.. when did they manifest?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I am running 250mg of test enth right now. it's not bad for cutting purposes to spare muscle mass, and also as a base for other compounds.

  19. #19
    last time i take 300 mg weekly of prop and 300 mg winny ,i make winny on 4 week and prop 5 week take 15 pounds ,for the side effect only acne.and the reason i don t take winny sooner this time is just because i want to wait for the effect of enanthate to be sure is good and after this i will take i said am pretty sure is good but i don t have the great great pump i have next year ,i really thing the effect begin but not at 100% i will wait one week and am pretty sure i will kick my ass ,i hope so .....

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