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iam taking 25mgs of NOLVADEX every day to prevent the bitch tits effect, and i have been hearing people talk about BLOAT, but as long as iam taking an ANTI-ESTROGEN, that should take care of the BLOAT ALSO, AM I CORRECT OR WRONG ON THIS ?
Iam up to 50mgs of DIANBOL and 10mgs of Mestanolone {LIKE oral masteron} everyday to kick start my cycle until the TEST E kicks in.
please let me know if i am correct on this , as cycles in the past i had signs of the bitch tits show, so iam taking no chances this time.
Also iam drinking NO ALCOHOL OR COLA at all, and no salt, BUT alot of protein intake.
iam hitting the gym twice a day 2 hours each ( 4 hours per day total ), and alot of cardio also. plus the too many to count ab crunches, and sit ups each day, iam running 3 miles per day.
i drink massives amount of water.
thank you