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Thread: Winny HURTS

  1. #1
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Winny HURTS

    Just took last night my first shot of winny at the end of the cycle....

    Damn, I can live with the prop in sust, but this stuf hurts!
    Does it stay this was, or is it just your muscle needing to get used to it?

    Also, taking it as night wasn't a that good option......... I was awake allmost whole night.

    What's the best timinig option for winny? And, can it be shot EOD or does it need to be ED?

  2. #2
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    Just took last night my first shot of winny at the end of the cycle....

    Damn, I can live with the prop in sust, but this stuf hurts!
    Does it stay this was, or is it just your muscle needing to get used to it?

    Also, taking it as night wasn't a that good option......... I was awake allmost whole night.

    What's the best timinig option for winny? And, can it be shot EOD or does it need to be ED?

    i can imagine winni depot would hurt like hell. its water based with winni crystals in it. ive never shot up winni, but hopefully, il get to eventually.

  3. #3
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Yes it hurts... but you you get used to it?
    Otherwise drink it?

    and how more harsh is it on your liver if you drink it compared to injecting?
    (I know it's more effective while injecting)

  4. #4
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
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    Did you inject it slowly? if not then thats why it hurt.Remember, nice and slow with water based injections!

  6. #6
    hitmanh is offline New Member
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    yeh winny does it, and i still feel it after a week! but pain eventually goes away, for some reason i got yellow patches from where i injected..!

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    Yes it hurts... but you you get used to it?
    Otherwise drink it?

    and how more harsh is it on your liver if you drink it compared to injecting?
    (I know it's more effective while injecting)
    It was suggested to me to cut winny with B-12 1/2 cc

  8. #8
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    I've cut it with 1cc sust250 and 1cc of test-e... and the dam thing HURTS.
    As allways I injected slowly.

    I'll try to cut it with some B12, hope that helps...

    Maybe I'll just drop the winny, and go with oxandrolone. I have a few hundred 30mg caps laying arround (yes home made from powder)

    I'll try it 3 more injects, and after that, it must get better, or for me it ain't worth the trouble and pain

  9. #9
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    It's about 36 hours since my last shot, and DAMN it still HURTS.
    I can barely walk up the stairs and my leg day (yesterday) got waisted.

    It still feels like I've been hit by a bat. My first shorts of sust (prop) also hurst, but then you know you get used to it.
    How is this with winny? Does your body get used to it, or does it hurt every time?

    Also, I've been reading that winny works 8 hours? How is best to arrange this? I sport right after work, and I don't want to inject in the car (I'm a hygiennic freak like to take a bath first, wash my hands, het up my gear, clean everything 2 or 3 times with alcohol etc)

    Opions please.

    Only thing I can think of now is just to drink it, but then I can beter take var right?

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Cutting winny with SUST, isn't the greatest cut since sust has prop in it which is know for causing pain also. Winny is best shot Everday. I will be cutting mine with the B-12 and injecting very slowly.

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