I'm starting a dbol only cycle 3 tabs a day for 6 weeks, do I have to worry about gyno with this small amount of time and product and is this a good way to cycle dbol only
I'm starting a dbol only cycle 3 tabs a day for 6 weeks, do I have to worry about gyno with this small amount of time and product and is this a good way to cycle dbol only
Everyone is different... some will never get gyno, some can get it easily. Should you worry, yes. Will it happen, maybe.
Don't waste your time with a d-bol only cycle anyway. You'll lose everything you gain. Save it until you get some test and do a real cycle.
for example
500mg sus a week for 10 weeks
d-bol for the first 4 weeks
as always have some anti-e and clomid.
arthur is right on, especially about the dbol only thing- but you could also do this:
weeks 1-4 30-40 mg ed
weeks1-10 500 mg test enanthate one shot /week
run some anti-e's and do your clomid therapy afterwards too.
peace bb79
seriously, you should wait. dbols only cycles are WORTHLESS. get yourself some test like the boys said, and do it right
thank you for the advice, if i did decide to go ahead and do the dbol what kind of a cycle should i run and also as for gyno is there any way to tell if you a predisposed to it b4 you start using gear or is it only after you will see the good or bad results
Yep. do you even know how many mg/tab?
Seriously, don't waste your time. If you insist, get some arimidex and take .25mg a day. That will take care of the gyno and the water retention.
After all, if you do a d-bol only cycle, you'll swell up like a water ballon, and when you done you pop.
yeah they are 5mg tabs
why are you consdiering a d-bol only cycle?
reason is i got it very cheap as my best friend decided to stay natural, so having it drop in my lap i thought I would find out if it is worth it for me to do
Enanthate is cheap too bro. Trust us, we're not making this up. You'll be much happier if you listen to our advice.
of course that is why I have come here b4 i have started anything I am just trying to gather info on the best why to cycle this stuff by itself with out harming my body, is it possible to keep anything with 3 tabs a day fo 6 weeks or am i just wasting my time, because if i can keep a little meat with out getting gyno then i give it a go
thanx for your advice![]()
It cant be repeated enough....dont do dbol alone...youll lose every single ounce u gain, and take more then 15mg a day regardless of how u take it
if you insist on running dbol only you can do it like this:
week1 3tabs/day
week2 4 tabs/day
week3 5 tabs/day
week4 6 tabs/day
week5 7 tabs/day
week6 6 tabs/day
week7 5 tabs/day
week8 4 tabs/day
i would recommend liquidex or arimidex, and clomid afterwards. a couple bros i know have done this, and while they didnt keep a lot of their gains, they did keep some. and i will reiterate the sentiments above, no test= wasted cycle imho
peace bb79
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