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  1. #1
    Pinum's Avatar
    Pinum is offline Associate Member
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    Take a look and tell me what you think

    I'm 42 5'7" at 175 and 10% BF. I've done several modest cycles and one 20 week cycle of Test Cyp and Deca last year. I just started a cycle of Test Cyp 300mg ,Deca 200mg EW, & Halodrol 50 ED. I will be looking to move to a leaner looking cycle in about 1 month to coinside with my diet change. Here is what I am looking at and would like some input. Please keep in mind I would like to keep injections at a min. 5 day interval. I get sore and find it hard to keep pace with eod so I prefer a longer ester even though shorter esters would be more effective.

    Test Cyp 300mg EW wk 1-10
    Masteron Eth 200mg EW wk 1-10
    Oral Turnabol 40mg ED wk 1-12
    Proviron 50mg ED wk 4-16 Taking through PCT
    Amirdex .25 mg ED wk 6-16 may take earlier if water becomes a problem

    Nolvadex 20mg ED wk 12-16
    Clomid 100 mg wk 12-16
    HCG if needed

    Suppliments will include Milk Thistle, Vitamin B & C, Cortisol, Multi Vitamin, Flax Seed Oil, ECA,

    May add T3 and Glen Haven't decided

    How does this look? Main goal is to put some size on 10-15 Lbs the first 6 weeks then look to lean out for the rest of summer while keeping those 10+ pounds but lower water and BF.

  2. #2
    niXon)('s Avatar
    niXon)( is offline Member
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    So Cal
    oral turnabol for 12 weeks?

  3. #3
    Pinum's Avatar
    Pinum is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    I was considering it even though I know it's 17aa I figured it was a mild alternative oral. Maybe move it to week 6-12 still at 40mg's?

  4. #4
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinum
    Test Cyp 300mg EW wk 1-10

    Up the test to 500mg and run 12 weeks

    Masteron Eth 200mg EW wk 1-10

    I personaly would exchange masteron for EQ or TreN

    Oral Turnabol 40mg ED wk 1-12

    wouldn't run it for 12 weeks.. i was ok running it for 4 weeks but a buddy of mine got elevated liver values + shitty lipid panel after 6 weeks.. So I defo wouldn't risk to run it for 12 weeks straight. I recommend 6-8 weeks at the beginning or the end of the cylce. T-Bol tends to make you look dry. So no need for armidex here, especially as you plan to run provion..

    Proviron 50mg ED wk 4-16 Taking through PCT
    Amirdex .25 mg ED wk 6-16 may take earlier if water becomes a problem

    no need to run it alongside with t-bol + proviron IMO

    Nolvadex 20mg ED wk 12-16
    Clomid 100 mg wk 12-16
    HCG if needed

    May add T3 and Glen Haven't decided

    I'd stay away from clen . It is believed that it destroys heart cells + i loose more fat on regular ECA.. T3 i ok though IF you know what you are doing
    Last edited by AleX-69; 05-24-2006 at 03:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Pinum's Avatar
    Pinum is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005

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