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  1. #1
    toncar is offline New Member
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    Please help- first time user

    Im 30 years old, have benn training for a while only using over the counter products. I have built muscle effectively and am pretty cut up with 6 pack and everything but--- I have plateued and would like to add a little more weight (weigh 140lbs), maybe up to 25 lbs with out the steroid look. Want solid gains, no waterweight marshmellow man look. Please help, I was thinkin of takin Winny by itself...what do you recommend? My room mate is 224lbs and wants to loose some weight and cut up, hes been on clenbuterol for 3 weeks and has noticed fast strength increase. Would you recommend him stack clen and winny together for optimal fat burn and cut cycle?

  2. #2
    bigguy20 is offline Associate Member
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    the winny wont help him burn fat, i think he should stick with the clen and a clean diet, and then hit the winny with some prop after he loses some bf%, he will see better results that way.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Winny by itself is NOT a good idea!!!!
    what is yor height at 140lbs?? I think your diet is where you need to look first before even considering AAS
    AAS does NOT make up for poor diet or poor training.
    There is a ton of infromation here from many VERY experienced people that only have your health in mind when they give you this advice.


  4. #4
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toncar
    Im 30 years old, have benn training for a while only using over the counter products. I have built muscle effectively and am pretty cut up with 6 pack and everything but--- I have plateued and would like to add a little more weight (weigh 140lbs), maybe up to 25 lbs with out the steroid look. Want solid gains, no waterweight marshmellow man look. Please help, I was thinkin of takin Winny by itself...what do you recommend? My room mate is 224lbs and wants to loose some weight and cut up, hes been on clenbuterol for 3 weeks and has noticed fast strength increase. Would you recommend him stack clen and winny together for optimal fat burn and cut cycle?

    so clen does increase strength??? i was under the impression for animals in testing it did, not for humans, my clen exp kept my gains DEFINITELY after a cycle of deca /sust

  5. #5
    beachbum28's Avatar
    beachbum28 is offline Associate Member
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    You're 140 and want 25 pounds, but don't want to look blown up muscle wise or puffy??? I'm confused. Bro..25lb of lean meat is a hella-lot of beef on a large frame..let-a-lone a small frame. I doubt you'd get that kind of beef being that it's not in your genectic now. realistically you could expect 10 lbs per cycle if you want to do thing like sust and eq together. A harder stack would obviously put more on but you get the puffy water bloat with things like dbol . If it's your first time keep it light and go with sust and eq.. I had great success on that and kept 10 pounds each time i used it.

    Quote Originally Posted by toncar
    Im 30 years old, have benn training for a while only using over the counter products. I have built muscle effectively and am pretty cut up with 6 pack and everything but--- I have plateued and would like to add a little more weight (weigh 140lbs), maybe up to 25 lbs with out the steroid look. Want solid gains, no waterweight marshmellow man look. Please help, I was thinkin of takin Winny by itself...what do you recommend? My room mate is 224lbs and wants to loose some weight and cut up, hes been on clenbuterol for 3 weeks and has noticed fast strength increase. Would you recommend him stack clen and winny together for optimal fat burn and cut cycle?

  6. #6
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think they hit the nail on the head with diet. You have to train hard and eat accordingly to add muscle. If you eat too lean you probbly won't have enioough calories to build muscle. Winny by itself is a bad idea IMO. If you are concerned about bloating try a cycle with prop and some anavar . If you aren't willing to shot everyday try some Test E with nolva and l dex or some other AI. It will give you arelatively dry cycle. But I think at 140lbs ( unless you are 4'10" ) you can start with diet. Eat more and workout hard. The weight will come.

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