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  1. #1
    sigmatro11's Avatar
    sigmatro11 is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle critique..please

    Deca 1-12 weeks 300mg
    Superdrol 1-6 weeks 40mg

    along with letro and clomid for pct starting 2 weeks before the end of the cycle.

    I'm guessing bf% is around 9%.

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    TERRIBLE in my opinion!!!!! What is your cycle history, age, diet, training will need some for of TEST in there if you want it to be any good.

    Ever hear of the possibility of Decca Dick???

  3. #3
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Deca 1-12 weeks 300mg
    Superdrol 1-6 weeks 40mg

    along with letro and clomid for pct starting 2 weeks before the end of the cycle.

    I'm guessing bf% is around 9%.
    That sounds like the perfect cycle if you absolutely HATE sex...You will catch a lot of flak for not being developed enough to run gear, but thats your own error so heres my advice...Research some more on first cycles...At your size you do not need 40mgs of Superdrol to grow, it will put a serious strain on your liver at 6 weeks. I would tell you to not incorporate the superdrol at all for your first cycle, but I assume you already have it in your posession and plan to run it. So look below..

    Test 1-12 400-500mg/EW
    Superdrol 1-4 at 20mgs/ED...
    Run the letro through the entire cycle .5mg EOD...

    proper PCT...goto the PCT forum for this info..

  4. #4
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    Age ???

  5. #5
    sigmatro11's Avatar
    sigmatro11 is offline Associate Member
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    I've already ran a few superdrol cycles before. I'm actually down again now to 155 I was at 185 around 2 months ago. But after a seriously strict diet I am back down. I want to bulk back up again though and put on more mass then cut down again eventually. I know the importance of test in your cycle but it isnt available at the time. I was just seeing what everyone would think about tunning without it. I am worrie about shutting down my natural test to much with this cycle though. I will post the rest of my stats in a sec.

  6. #6
    sigmatro11's Avatar
    sigmatro11 is offline Associate Member
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    Here is my diet, I'm 20 yrs old

    Meal 1:

    2 Scoop Of Optimum Whey Protein
    6 eggs
    1 cup oatmeal

    6 oz Sirloin cooked on george foreman,
    1 cup brown rice
    ½ cup pistachio nuts

    Meal 3:

    5 oz Chicken Breast,
    1 Cup Low Sodium Black Beans

    Meal 4:
    7 oz Turkey
    2 Tbsp Peanut butter, smooth, without salt


    Meal 5:

    4 Scoops Cytogainer

    Meal 6:

    5 oz Chicken Breast
    1 Large Red Potato, Boiled

    Meal 7:
    5 oz Chicken Breast,
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
    1 cup brown rice

    Meal 8: Before Bed

    2 Scoops Micellar Matrix Protein (ISS)


    Flat bench-4 sets last two till failure
    Dumbbell Press- 3 sets last till failure
    Dumbbell Flies-3 sets last till failure
    Cable crossovers-4 sets last till failure
    Incline bench-4 sets last two till failure
    Decline bench-4 sets last two till failure(pretty much on every lift)

    Overhand cable rows
    Underhand cable rows
    Machine upwards back rows
    Cable deadlifts
    Military Press
    Upright Rows
    Lat pulls

    hack squat
    leg extensions
    leg curls
    leg press
    calf raises

    Close grip bench press
    Tricep pulldowns
    Single arm tricep pulldowns
    Single arm tricep push downs
    Reverse push ups with 25/35 pound weight in lap
    Preacher Curls
    Machine Single arm Cable Curls
    Alternating Dumbbell curls
    Bicep Pulldowns (use lat pull machine)
    Forearm Curls

    Friday-abs and cardio
    oblique machine
    30 min running
    30 min biking

  7. #7
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    That sounds like the perfect cycle if you absolutely HATE sex...You will catch a lot of flak for not being developed enough to run gear, but thats your own error so heres my advice...Research some more on first cycles...At your size you do not need 40mgs of Superdrol to grow, it will put a serious strain on your liver at 6 weeks. I would tell you to not incorporate the superdrol at all for your first cycle, but I assume you already have it in your posession and plan to run it. So look below..

    Test 1-12 400-500mg/EW
    Superdrol 1-4 at 20mgs/ED...
    Run the letro through the entire cycle .5mg EOD...

    proper PCT...goto the PCT forum for this info..
    agreed on that, but as a cycle it's good light cycle.

  8. #8
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Here is my diet, I'm 20 yrs old

    Meal 1:

    2 Scoop Of Optimum Whey Protein
    6 eggs
    1 cup oatmeal

    6 oz Sirloin cooked on george foreman,
    1 cup brown rice
    ½ cup pistachio nuts take this off andd add 1/2 scoop whey

    Meal 3:

    5 oz Chicken Breast,
    1 Cup Low Sodium Black Beans

    Meal 4:
    7 oz Turkey
    2 Tbsp Peanut butter, smooth, without salt


    Meal 5:

    4 Scoops Cytogainer

    Meal 6:

    5 oz Chicken Breast
    1 Large Red Potato, Boiled

    Meal 7:
    5 oz Chicken Breast,
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter the same as meal 2
    1 cup brown rice

    Meal 8: Before Bed

    2 Scoops Micellar Matrix Protein (ISS) add some fat here. (the pistachios are good choice).


    Flat bench-4 sets last two till failure
    Dumbbell Press- 3 sets last till failure
    Dumbbell Flies-3 sets last till failure
    Cable crossovers-4 sets last till failure
    Incline bench-4 sets last two till failure
    Decline bench-4 sets last two till failure(pretty much on every lift)

    Overhand cable rows
    Underhand cable rows
    Machine upwards back rows
    Cable deadlifts
    Military Press
    Upright Rows
    Lat pulls

    hack squat
    leg extensions
    leg curls
    leg press
    calf raises

    Close grip bench press
    Tricep pulldowns
    Single arm tricep pulldowns
    Single arm tricep push downs
    Reverse push ups with 25/35 pound weight in lap
    Preacher Curls
    Machine Single arm Cable Curls
    Alternating Dumbbell curls
    Bicep Pulldowns (use lat pull machine)
    Forearm Curls

    Friday-abs and cardio
    oblique machine
    30 min running
    30 min biking
    IMO read the bold.

  9. #9
    sigmatro11's Avatar
    sigmatro11 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks I appreciate it!

  10. #10
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    TERRIBLE in my opinion!!!!! What is your cycle history, age, diet, training will need some for of TEST in there if you want it to be any good.

    Ever hear of the possibility of Decca Dick???

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