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Thread: acutane

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    South Texas


    Well I know there has been recent or continued post about this anti-acne treatment.. is it ok to start using acutane during pct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You can but it is alway's best to have blood work done to monatore your liver values.Acutane can be prety harsh read up on it before you start and make sure you don't mind the side's.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    You can but it is alway's best to have blood work done to monatore your liver values.Acutane can be prety harsh read up on it before you start and make sure you don't mind the side's.
    I think the liver value increase with accutane is some myth propagated on the forums. Cholesterol is a concern with accutane however, and bloodwork is thus necessary. Accutane does have many sides, I suggest looking them up on google or going through a dermatologist.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    yeah it's best to go through a dermatologist... it's alot safer that way and it will cost you ALOT less with a prescription... without a prescription from a source id say for 40mg daily it will cost you 130-200.00 a month and you need to run it atleast 4-5 months for results to be permanent.

    the bad thing about the dermatologist is, they will give you the run around with antibiotics or other alternatives for a few months before they will even consider you for accutane. no matter how bad your acne is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    docs suck , i had to go around it and get mt own accutane. 100mg ed and use it on cycle. has no effect on cycle just no orals and slows acne recovery due to gear.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    is it faked alot?

  7. #7
    do it.
    40-60 mg ed.

  8. #8

    I only got to take it once.....

    I was about 17 yrs old and have already been going to the dermatologist for about 3 yrs and have tried everything. The last meds I used was accutane and I remember the day. I had went over all the side effects with the Doc. and my parents ok'd it. I only took one single pill and went to sleep and approx. 4 hrs later I woke up went to the bath room and got dizzy, fell into the cabinet in the bathroom and was trying to make it to my bed. My mom asked what was wrong and before I could say anything I collapsed and she caught me. I was told my dad came running out and had to pond on my chest because I stopped breathing. I did wake back up but at this point I had a rash all over my body and was taken to the ER. My results were a reaction to the med which the Dermatologist still thinks only happens about 1 out of a million and opted for me to stay on it. I would just research this, I was lucky and did not take a second chance to re-try it. I also understand how acne hurts your mental state, so just be careful. I am now 29 and have had good results with keeping my skin clean and moisturized. I also go to the tanning bed and use a over the counter benzyl 10% soap but that's just what works for me. Usual side effects are drying of the skin and some bleeding of the lips and ears but I have heard more.... Good Luck!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    I think the liver value increase with accutane is some myth propagated on the forums. Cholesterol is a concern with accutane however, and bloodwork is thus necessary. Accutane does have many sides, I suggest looking them up on google or going through a dermatologist.
    Got to disagree. I was told by my dermatologist(recently) that it is VERY liver toxic and drinking needs to be stopped, minimized when using it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    do it.
    40-60 mg ed.
    I was also told by my dermatologist a few days back, that the starting dose is, 20mg/ED, then work your way up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by simmylak
    I was about 17 yrs old and have already been going to the dermatologist for about 3 yrs and have tried everything. The last meds I used was accutane and I remember the day. I had went over all the side effects with the Doc. and my parents ok'd it. I only took one single pill and went to sleep and approx. 4 hrs later I woke up went to the bath room and got dizzy, fell into the cabinet in the bathroom and was trying to make it to my bed. My mom asked what was wrong and before I could say anything I collapsed and she caught me. I was told my dad came running out and had to pond on my chest because I stopped breathing. I did wake back up but at this point I had a rash all over my body and was taken to the ER. My results were a reaction to the med which the Dermatologist still thinks only happens about 1 out of a million and opted for me to stay on it. I would just research this, I was lucky and did not take a second chance to re-try it. I also understand how acne hurts your mental state, so just be careful. I am now 29 and have had good results with keeping my skin clean and moisturized. I also go to the tanning bed and use a over the counter benzyl 10% soap but that's just what works for me. Usual side effects are drying of the skin and some bleeding of the lips and ears but I have heard more.... Good Luck!!

    I see patients in my clinic all day using accutane for well over 4 years....i never heard nothing like that,just dry skin ect...
    ...are you sure it was accutane or LSD...? j/k

  12. #12
    I am 20 yrs old and I was 18 when I used accutane. That stuff is no joke, it will mess with your head so bad, if your self conciuos about your skin I'm not sure if you want to take accutane. when i was on it i didnt want to go outside, I wasnt happy, and your skin gets worse before it gets better. one of my friends was also on it, I told him what happened to me, a couple weeks later he realizied it and stopped takin it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedAnabolics
    Well I know there has been recent or continued post about this anti-acne treatment.. is it ok to start using acutane during pct?

    I can give you a good insight on this for I begain accutane treatment on the very day i started pct!!
    I figured if i was gonna be down anyway, I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
    And it was fine, bad intial breakout, probable a combo of the pct breakout and the accutane initial breakout. But my blood tests were ok, not great, but ok to continue treatment.
    But you have to judge for yourself, if you are depressed, this combo might make it be too much for you. Make sure you are stable bro.
    All in all, I am glad i did it, got through pct and accutane all together, and now feeling good.

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