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Thread: cardio help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.

    cardio help

    is there any steriod that will help with cardio endurance..

    i took clen to lose weight, but on it i couldn't run more than half a mile without feeling like i was about to die...

    now that i'm off of that my real goal is not to get bigger not to get stronger, i'm just trying to improve my run time. so besides getting on something that will just make me more pumped to work out, is there one that actually helps with cardio endurance...

    my stats"
    height 5'8''
    weight 200lbs
    waist 35"
    bf% unsure but my guess 15%-18%
    Bench 435lbs
    Squat 550lbs

    current 2mile run time 15-16mins.. desired time over the next 4months 12-13mins

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ok dude it should be a pump to know that your getting into shape your could always do the ephedrine and caff. thing but if you did some research you'd know that do a search and you'll find what your looking for

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    F_ucken Two Bitches
    I doubt anyone will agree, but deca really helped with my endurance, it might have been from the diet change up but i do believe this had something to do with it, and hey, change up your diet?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I dont no if this correct , but wont winny work?

  5. #5
    winny is an endurence steroid "from wat i have read"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206
    is there any steriod that will help with cardio endurance..

    i took clen to lose weight, but on it i couldn't run more than half a mile without feeling like i was about to die...

    now that i'm off of that my real goal is not to get bigger not to get stronger, i'm just trying to improve my run time. so besides getting on something that will just make me more pumped to work out, is there one that actually helps with cardio endurance...

    my stats"
    height 5'8''
    weight 200lbs
    waist 35"
    bf% unsure but my guess 15%-18%
    Bench 435lbs
    Squat 550lbs

    current 2mile run time 15-16mins.. desired time over the next 4months 12-13mins
    .....nothing per-say that with increase cardio endurance but there are AS that are erythrocytics...meaning...they will increase your RBC count. A higher RBC count translates to more O2 in the bloodstream which could be beneficial to increasing cardio endurance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    There's nothing really out there that can help. I would try training naturally, and get your body used to doing longer stints of cardio.

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